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TinyOS 2.x on the STM32 Installation Instructions

tschmid edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 8 revisions

Getting TinyOS

First, you will have to get the TinyOS git tree from this website. You can accomplish this by using git and execute:

git clone git://×.git

There are two major branches in this repository. The “master” branch tracks the current TinyOS 2.x CVS tree. The “stm32” branch is where the STM32 port of TinyOS resides in. To switch to this branch execute:

git checkout -b stm32 origin/stm32

The alternative is to download the current STM32 branch of the git repository. However, we discourage this practice since you will not be able to easily track any changes, or send us patches. The direct link for the download is "here ":

Installing Your First Application: Blink

You are now ready to install the first application on the evaluation board. Connect the board to the JTAG. Then, switch to the TinyOS base directory and execute


This will setup all the environment variables necessary to compile the code. Next, switch to the Blink application directory and install the application on the node

cd apps/Blink
make stm32-p103 install

If everything worked out, then you should now have a blinking LED on your board.