is a library aimed at generating fast Haskell parsers for fixed
width packets. It uses a DSL in which these packets can be specified, augmented
with Haskell parsers.
In order to create a packet and a parser for it, usually two files are used,
and Foo.ths
Let's start by defining a datatype in the .ths
file. The syntax here is:
ConstructorName [fields prefix]
[Nx] [_]FieldName [!] FieldType [+]FieldWidth [FieldParser]
: Name of the type itself, e.g.Maybe
: Name of constructor with given set of fields. If no prefix is provided, downcased capital letters from the constructor name will be used instead. -
: Number of times to repeat this matcher -
: Name of the field which will be used (with constructor prefix prepended) -
: This field will be ignored (skipped if possible or parsed) -
: This field will be strict -
: type name when using existing datatype, e.g.Int
, or a custom typeFoo
. Parsergen provides a custom typeStringPattern
which is a newtyped ByteString that allows you to ignore some symbols while matching some other symbols. Used the same way as ByteString but symbols indicated by "?" will be ignored. Currently it's not possible to match "?" symbol itself usingStringPattern
: Number for size based parsing, e.g.12
. This field is needed to perform some optimisations as well, so you have to specify field width even if you going to specifyFieldParser
. -
: Only for numerical fields: the first character will be treated as the sign -
: A parser which will be used to parse it. This can be omitted for types such asInt
. Otherwise, you can either specify a fixed string or a parser of the typeParser
In the .hs
file, one can now use:
$(genDataTypeFromFile "Foo.ths")
$(genParserFromFile "Foo.ths")
to generate a parser and a datatype for it.
Let's look at an example .ths
_PacketType ByteString 4 "WARN"
DangerType DangerType 2 dangerType
ChanceOfSurvival Int 3
_PacketType StringPattern 4 "LOT?"
Amount Money 10
6x WinningEntry LotteryEntry 2
And the .hs
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import ParserGen.Gen
import ParserGen.Repack -- Needed later on
import qualified ParserGen.Parser as P
data DangerType
= Earthquake
| ZombieApocalypse
| RobotUprising
| AngryGirlfriend
deriving (Eq, Show)
dangerType :: P.Parser DangerType
dangerType = do
bs <- P.take 2
case bs of
"EQ" -> return Earthquake
"ZA" -> return ZombieApocalypse
"RI" -> return RobotUprising
"AG" -> return AngryGirlfriend
_ -> fail $ "Unknown danger type: " ++ show bs
newtype Money = Money Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
type LotteryEntry = Int
$(genDataTypeFromFile "Packet.ths")
$(genParserFromFile "Packet.ths")
sampleWarning :: ByteString
sampleWarning = "WARNRI002"
sampleLotteryWin :: ByteString
sampleLotteryWin = "LOTT9999999999040815162342"
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ P.parse parserForWarning sampleWarning
print $ P.parse parserForLotteryWin sampleLotteryWin
The parsergen
- The
datatype - The parser functions
parserForWarning, parserForLotteryWin :: Parser Packet
Note how we have used three kinds of parsers:
is an example of a hardcoded string which the packet must matchdangerType
is a custom parser, specified in the Haskell file- We don't specify parsers for numeral types, these are automatically derived
(even for
s andtype
A powerful feature from the library, repackers allow us to change the contents of multiple fields without actually parsing a packet.
The syntax looks like this:
repackerForName ConstructorName
FieldName [FieldUnParser]
Let's add the following the bottom of our .ths
repackerForLotteryNumbers LotteryWin
And the following to our Haskell file:
$(genRepackFromFile "Packet.ths")
which generates the function
repackerForLotteryNumbers :: [LotteryEntry] -> ByteString -> ByteString
Use it like:
print $ repackerForLotteryNumbers [1 .. 6] sampleLotteryWin
Things to note:
- For numerical types, you don't need to specify an unparser, this is only
needed for custom types. These should have the type
SomeType -> ByteString
. - The repacker will take a list when the field is repeated (e.g.
in this case) and a single value otherwise