A library for easy C hashtables
Check the header file or language server for more information.
Is a singly-linked list of unsigned numbers used for id management. It provides basic push and pop functionality.
Is a structure for id management. Basically a "last" id, and an idm_list of free ids.
General hashtable functions are prefixed with "hash_" and they alone allow for most of the things you will need.
Many others are just provided for easy use.
Is a hashtable in which keys are unsigned ints.
Is a uhash, but they also have automatic id management capabilities.
Is a uhash in which values are also unsigned. Its purpose is to have easy n to n associations.
A hashtable in which keys are strings.
You guessed it. Keys are strings, values are unsigned.
String to pointer.
Unsigned to string.
A binary for easy and fast hashtables / indexes. It provides most common use-cases.
For help:
qhash -?
This will you a listing of ids and pet owner names:
qhash -l owners.db
This will put a pet owner into the database, and output his id:
qhash -p Mathew owners.db # example output: 4
Then insert pets into the pet database:
qhash -p cat -p dog pets.db # example output: 2 and 3
And finally create a database that says that Mathew owns both:
qhash -m1 -p 4:2 -p 4:3 assoc.db
Or list all of Mathew's pets (names included):
qhash -a pets.db -g4 assoc.db
And now get a random pet name that corresponds to Mathew:
qhash -q owners.db -a pets.db -RMathew assoc.db # example output: dog