MetaTileGenerator is a tool to help with the creation of meta tiles from standard tiles. Meta tiles are a technique when creating a videogame tileset that allows you to draw a small set of tiles (6) where two materials meet (such as grass and dirt). in a specific pattern. Those tiles can then be divided and turned into 48 configurations.
(Note: Gem is not published yet)
gem install meta_tile_generator
or, in your Gemfile
gem 'meta_tile_generator`
From the command line:
meta_tile_generator path/to/image.png 16
meta_tile_generator path/to/image.png 16 0 16 # X, Y Starting Coordinates within larger image
Within a project:
require 'meta_tile_generator'
tile_width = 32
image_filepath = "path/to/image.png"
@meta_tile_generator =