Winson Luk, [email protected]
Every startup claims to be disrupting an industry or changing the world. Most startup ideas are destined to fail, but some truly change the world. By training on thousands of startup taglines, articles, and interviews, this project aims to generate a lot of bad startup ideas, and a few good ones.
Most startup ideas can be summarized in just one paragraph. The tagline describes the overarching concept (e.g., "Uber is finding you better ways to move, work, and succeed"), and the next few sentences can provide a more detailed description of the product, as well as context on the startup's history, people, and industry.
The tagline can be created by finetuning GPT-2 with a dataset of startup taglines (, and the subsequent sentences can be generated by feeding this tagline as a prefix into a other GPT-2 models finetuned with startup descriptions and company analyses ( and
The ideas generated have been fairly realistic (most are bad, some are good), so there are plans to incorporate these results into a faux startup website similar to, with a few million permutations of ideas. The value of these ideas depend solely on the reader's interpretation (see reader-response theory), but hopefully some of these ideas are cohesive enough to serve as inspiration.
- I created three models finetuned with the gpt-2-simple library.
- The first model is trained on startup taglines from Startups List. I used Rick Hennessy's scraped dataset. Download:
- The second model is from the previous dataset, but with startup descriptions rather than taglines. Download:
- The third model is trained on TechCrunch posts, which focus on the latest developments in technology. The scraped data is from Kaggle. Download:
- Website:
- Taglines only:
- Taglines with descriptions:
- Taglines with TechCrunch commentary:
- Taglines with descriptions and TechCrunch commentary:
- The multi-gpu fork of gpt-2-simple needs to be installed to train with the 774M model.
- I used 4 x Tesla V100 GPUs and 16 GB of RAM on to train the models. Training will fail with single GPUs or less than 16 GB of RAM. After training, generation can be performed with a single GPU, though 16 GB of RAM is still necessary.
- The startup tagline and description models are finetuned to a loss of around 0.1, while the larger TechCrunch model is finetuned to a loss of 1.8.
- I sampled all models with temperature ranges from 0.2 to 2.0 and top-p from 0.1 to 1.0 (higher values translate to more "creativity" in the text) to find the optimal parameters for realistic text generation.
References to any papers, techniques, repositories you used: