A Symfony bundle that provides an ORM for LDAP.
Oct 1, 2020. It's been quite a while that UcsfLdapOrm has been stuck at Symfony 3.3 compatibiliy, but that is about to change. I am finally in the process of upgrading and moving directly to Symfony 5.whatever the latest minor version maybe at the time you are reading this.
The initial effort has been to conform to all things Symfony 5, including the most recent version of Doctrine that it uses. The new version is currently on the "v5" branch and will have a new 5.x.x version -- a 2 major version jump. This is largely an attempt to keep the bundle's major version in step with Symfony's. After this initial push, and perhaps somewhat during, I'll be cleaning things up and doing some reorganizing and refactoring. While the first years of life for this bundle were spent enhancing Mathieu Goulin's original code without wanting to get into the business of a full on refactoring, the time has come for a change.
My goal is to have 5.1.0 ready and merged into master by Christmas 2020.
The original README:
This code was originally based upon Mathieu Goulin's GorgLdapOrmBundle. We are forever indebted to him for providing an excellent base for the work we've continued at UCSF IT Identity & Access Management. Originally we forked GorgLdapOrmBundle but, as our development continued to diverge and added new functionality, we came to the point where it was time to strike out on our own. The UcsfLdapOrm repo was created as that fresh start.
What's changed and/or been added so far:
- Added the
class. This is a Symfony entity which represents thetop
LDAP object class. - Added many subclasses of
to describe the object classes fromtop
down toInetOrgPerson
. - Added
which gives the entity manager/repository the ability to filter with custom constructed, complex boolean logic. (See code comment API documentation for details.) - Removed the dependency upon r1pp3rj4ck's TwigstringBundle and replaced it with Symfony 2.6+'s ability to use Twig's new-ish string-as-template functionality.
Requires PHP5.5+ and Symphony 2.7+
- Add to composer.json
"ucsf/ldaporm": "dev-master"
- Add the bundle to AppKernel.php
new Ucsf\LdapOrmBundle\UcsfLdapOrmBundle()
- Install using composer
$ composer update ucsf/ldaporm-bundle
uri: ldaps://ldap.example.com
use_tls: true
bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
password: shhhItsASecret
password_type: plaintext
ucsfldaporm_test: false
- uri: The URI you need for connecting to the LDAP service.
- use_tls: 'true' or 'false' to decide on connecting with TLS
- bind_dn: The DN for binding to the LDAP service
- password: The password associated with the given bind DN
- password_type:
. I use plaintext when the URI is LDAPS.
class: Ucsf\LdapOrmBundle\Ldap\LdapEntityManager
public: true
arguments: ["@logger", "@annotation_reader", "%some_ldap_server%"]
class: MyBundle\ComExamplePersonService
arguments: [ @myldap_entity_manager ]
* Represents a ComExamplePerson object class, which is a subclass of InetOrgPerson
* @ObjectClass("comExamplePerson")
* @SearchDn("ou=people,dc=example,dc=come")
* @Dn("uid={{ entity.uid }},ou=people,dc=example,dc=com")
class ComExamplePerson extends InetOrgPerson
* @Attribute("comExampleFavoriteIceCreamFlavor")
* @Must()
* @ArrayField()
* The @Attribute annotation relates the $comExampleFavoriteIceCreamFlavor member variable to the
* 'comExampleFavoriteIceCreamFlavor' attribute within the ComExamplePerson object class in LDAP.
* You don't have to name the PHP variable the same as your attribute name, but it helps to be
* consistent in this way.
* The @Must annotation requires this attribute to not be empty when persisting back to LDAP. If
* a @Must requirement is not satisfied, attempting to persist the entry will throw
* a MissingMustAttributeException.
* The @ArrayField aannotation tells the LDAP Entity Manager, repositories and services to treat
* this attribute as a multi-value LDAP field. This is unfortunately backwards from LDAP's default
* to multi-value an attribute. Baring miracles (i.e. finding the time), this will probably not be "fixed".
protected $comExampleFavoriteIceCreamFlavor;
public function getComExampleFavoriteIceCreamFlavor() {
return $this->comExampleFavoriteIceCreamFlavor;
public function setComExampleFavoriteIceCreamFlavor($comExampleFavoriteIceCreamFlavor) {
$this->comExampleFavoriteIceCreamFlavor = $comExampleFavoriteIceCreamFlavor;
class ComExamplePersonService {
protected $comExamplePersonRepository;
public function __construct(LdapEntityManager $entityManager) {
// Make a repo for ComExamplePerson entities
$this->comExamplePersonRepository = $entityManager->getRepository(ComExamplePerson::class);
// Make a another repo for SomethignElse entities (just another example...)
$this->somethingElseRepository = $entityManager->getRepository(SomethingElse::class);
public function getPersonByUid($uid, $includeAddress = false, $attributes = null) {
$person = $this->comExampePersonRepository->findByUid($uid, $attributes);
return $person;
class PeopleController extends Controller {
* @Route("/person/detail/{uid}")
* @Template()
public function detailAction(Request $request, $uid)
$comExamplePersonService = $this->get('comexample_person_service');
$person = $comExamplePersonService->getPersonByUid($uid);
return array('person' => $person);
Remove need for generic LDAP configConfiguration documentationDevelopment example- Rewrite test suite (In progress...)
- Remove deprecated search results iterator