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Installation: MacOS

Markus Hollander edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 1 revision

Step 1: Install C++

Install a C++17 compiler, or update an existing C++ compiler if necessary. If you are using the GCC compiler, you need GCC-9 (and G++9) or newer.

Step 2: Install CMake

Install CMake 3.13 or newer, or update an existing CMake if necessary. provides a guide for installing CMake on your computer.

Step 3: Download ProPores2

Download this repository as a ZIP file and extract it to a location of your choice, or use Git to clone the repository.

Step 4: Install ProPores2

The final step is to create the propores executable in the ProPores2 folder. If the build/ directory already exists, remove it. Then execute the following commands in the ProPores2 directory:

mkdir build/
cmake -S . -B build/
cmake --build build/ --config Release --target install
chmod +x propores

Step 5: Install Python 3 (Optional)

If you want to use the graphical user interface or use batch processing, install Python3 with the packages tkinter and pyyaml.