A Helm chart for Hashicorp Boundary deployment
Please add the UnderGrid Network Services repository before installing any chart provided by this repository:
helm repo add undergrid https://ugns.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
To install the chart with the release name boundary run:
helm install boundary undergrid/boundary --version 0.1.0
After a few seconds, boundary should be running.
To install the chart in a specific namespace use following commands:
helm install boundary undergrid/boundary --namespace boundary --create-namespace --version 0.1.0
Key | Type | Default | Description |
aead.enabled | bool | true |
to enable AEAD KMS keys |
affinity | object | {} |
awskms.enabled | bool | false |
to enable AWS KMS keys |
controller.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
controller.autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 100 |
controller.autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 |
controller.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
controller.enabled | bool | true |
Specifies whether Boundary controller should be deployed |
controller.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
controller.ingress.className | string | "" |
controller.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
controller.ingress.hosts[0].host | string | "boundary.local" |
controller.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path | string | "/" |
controller.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
controller.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].port | string | "api" |
controller.ingress.tls | list | [] |
controller.initOptions | list | [] |
List of options to enable for boundary database init call on a fresh installation |
controller.replicaCount | string | nil |
controller.service.annotations | object | {} |
controller.service.ports.api.number | int | 9200 |
controller.service.ports.cluster.number | int | 9201 |
controller.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
database.address | string | "postgresql" |
the Boundary database hostname |
database.name | string | "boundary" |
the Boundary databse name |
database.password | string | "postgres" |
the Boundary database password to use. ignored if using Vault |
database.ssl | bool | false |
Specify if sslmode should be enabled |
database.username | string | "postgres" |
the Boundary database username to use. ignored if using Vault |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
global.replicaCount | int | 3 |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
the docker image pull policy |
image.repository | string | "hashicorp/boundary" |
The docker image repository to use |
image.tag | string | Chart appVersion | the docker image tag to use |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
keys.aead | list | [] |
the AEAD KMS keys to configure if enabled |
keys.awskms | list | [] |
the AWS KMS keys to configure if enabled |
keys.vault | list | [] |
the Hashicorp Vault Transit KMS keys to configure if enabled |
nameOverride | string | "" |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
podAnnotations | object | {} |
podSecrets | object | {} |
podSecurityContext | object | {} |
resources | object | {} |
securityContext | object | {} |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Annotations to add to the service account |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
Specifies whether a service account should be created |
serviceAccount.name | string | "" |
The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template |
tolerations | list | [] |
vault.address | string | "http://vault:8200" |
the Hashicorp Vault address to use |
vault.database.enabled | bool | false |
to enable Hashicorp Vault lookup for database credentials |
vault.database.role | string | "boundary" |
Hashicorp Vault Postgres Database Secret role to use |
vault.database.vaultAdminCredPath | string | "database/static-creds/boundary-db" |
Hashicorp Vault secret path for Boundary database admin credentials |
vault.database.vaultCredPath | string | "database/creds/boundary-db" |
Hashicorp Vault secret path for Boundary database credentials |
vault.enabled | bool | false |
to enable Hashicorp Vault for Transit KMS keys and database credentials |
vault.tls | object | {} |
the Hashicorp Vault TLS settings to use |
worker.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
worker.autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 100 |
worker.autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 |
worker.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
worker.enabled | bool | true |
worker.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
worker.ingress.className | string | "" |
worker.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
worker.ingress.hosts[0].host | string | "boundary.local" |
worker.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path | string | "/" |
worker.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
worker.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].port | string | "proxy" |
worker.ingress.tls | list | [] |
worker.replicaCount | string | "" |
worker.service.annotations | object | {} |
worker.service.ports.proxy.number | int | 9202 |
worker.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Homepage: https://boundaryproject.io
Name | Url | |
Jeremy T. Bouse | [email protected] | https://undergrid.net |