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Raptor benchmarks

Run Raptor and related methods on MedMNIST formatted datasets.

MedMNIST data format

MedMNIST datasets are in npz format with keys 'train_images', 'train_labels', etc... for train, val, and test. The 'train_images' entry should contain volumes in N x H x W x D. The labels are assumed to be classification with mutually exclusive classes in the shape N x 1 where each entry ranges from 0...C .

The datasets are expected to be in ../medmnist. If it is at a different path, a symlink can be created at this location for convenience.

Extended MedMNIST data format

We also store multi-label classification and regression tasks using a similar format as described. For multi-label, we define a one-hot indicator for the '*_labels' entry in the shape N x C. For regression, we store the quantitative labels (can be multi dimensional) also in the shape N x C.

We allow volumes to be stored outside the npz due to performance/storage issues. If this is the case, partial paths to the volumes (string) should be stored in '*_images' instead of the actual volumes. The training scripts should handle some root_path option such that the volumes can be located at different drives on different machines.

Raptor scripts overview

The scripts relevant to raptor are:

  • Uses Raptor to embed volumes.
  • Logistic regression on precomputed embeddings (Raptor, VoCo)

Training scripts overview

  • Logistic regression on precomputed embeddings (Raptor, VoCo)
  • End to end training for pretrained models (PCTNet, SuPreM, ResNet, Merlin)
  • MAE training and classification training for standard ViT (MAE)

Adding new methods to test in our pipeline:

Generally it is recommended to add new methods to compare with at the top of so that we can conveniently use one script to run all experiments. For example, PCT-Net was added in the following way:

Import the model definition from a local path and define default options for this model:

elif args.model == 'pctnet':
    input_size = (64, 128, 128)

    from net.pct_net import PCTNet
    from pymic.util.parse_config import parse_config
    from pymic.util.general import mixup, tensor_shape_match

    class defaults:
        stage = 'train'
        cfg = '../etc/MIS-FM/demo/pctnet_pretrain.cfg'
        num_classes = 100 # infer a sufficient number of outplanes for most tasks

    config = parse_config(defaults)
    config['network']['class_num'] = defaults.num_classes

Wrap the model to do classification:

    class PCTNetClassifier(PCTNet):
        def __init__(self, params):

            self.fc = nn.Linear(128+defaults.num_classes*2, num_classes)

        def forward(self, x):
            x0, x1, x2 = self.embeddings[self.resolution_mode](x)
            x2  = self.pyramid_ct(x2)
            pooled = [F.adaptive_avg_pool3d(s, (1, 1, 1)).view(len(s), -1) for s in x2]
            pooled =, -1)
            return self.fc(pooled)

    model = PCTNetClassifier(config['network']).to(device)

Load pretrained weights shared by the authors of the model:

    def load_pretrained_weights(network, pretrained_dict, device_ids):
        if(len(device_ids) > 1):
            if(hasattr(network.module, "get_parameters_to_load")):
                model_dict = network.module.get_parameters_to_load()
                model_dict = network.module.state_dict()
            if(hasattr(network, "get_parameters_to_load")):
                model_dict = network.get_parameters_to_load()
                model_dict = network.state_dict()
        pretrained_dict = {k: v for k, v in pretrained_dict.items() if \
            k in model_dict and tensor_shape_match(pretrained_dict[k], model_dict[k])}
        if (len(device_ids) > 1):
            network.module.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict, strict = False)
            network.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict, strict = False)
    w = torch.load('../etc/MIS-FM/weights/')['model_state_dict']
    load_pretrained_weights(model, w, [None])


run raptor on medmnist formatted data






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