Releases: unaschneck/pydar
2.0.0 - PEP8 Upgrades
2.0.0 - PEP8, Function Name Deprecations
To adhere to the Pep 8 - Python Style pydar
has undergone a large overhaul to user functions names.
The PEP8 update includes changes to:
- Group imports in alphabetical ordered groups (standard library imports, related third party imports, local specific imports)
- Function names are lowercase and snakecase
- Type Hints
- Backend function names preceded by underscore
Impacted Deprecations:
See the README for additional information about each function
displayImages -> display_all_images
extractFlybyDataImages -> extract_flyby_images
returnAAREADMEOptions -> aareadme_options
readAAREADME -> read_aareadme
returnLBLOptions -> lbl_options
readLBLREADME -> read_lbl_readme
convertFlybyIDToObservationNumber -> id_to_observation
convertObservationNumberToFlybyID -> observation_to_id
retrieveIDSByFeatureName -> ids_from_feature_name
retrieveIDSByLatitudeLongitude -> ids_from_latlon
retrieveIDSByLatitudeLongitudeRange -> ids_from_latlon_range
retrieveIDSByTime -> ids_from_time
retrieveIDSByTimeRange -> ids_from_time_range
retrieveFeaturesFromLatitudeLongitude -> features_from_latlon
retrieveFeaturesFromLatitudeLongitudeRange -> features_from_latlon_range
Additional work
New codecov to aid in expanding testing coverage
Bug fixes and edits
Pytests: Tests for Python 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 against Ubuntu, macOS, Windows
1.4.0 - Python 3.13, Deprecation Warning
Upcoming 2.0.0
Deprecation Warning
With the exception of any hot-fixes, the next release for pydar
will be version 2.0.0
. This will be a large overhaul of the package to better adhere to Pep8 Python Style best practices. This will include changes made to function and variable names. You will still be able to use the original function names, but they will now throw a DeprecationWarning
and advise you to use the new function name. Eventually the old names will be deprecated and no longer usable.
All the README and documentation information will be changed to reflect the new names, but if there are any questions, feel free to submit it at the pydar/issues
Backwards Compatibility Conflicts
- Distrubtion changed from
- Python 3.13 version compatibility
Bug fixes and edits
Pytests: Tests for Python 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 against Ubuntu, macOS, Windows
1.3.3 - Four New Titan Features
Update available named features with one new and three updated Titan Features
New Titan Feature
New named feature by the IAU in July 2024: Paititi Terra
The IAU Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature has approved the name Paititi Terra for a feature on Titan. For more information, please see the Titan VIMS/RADAR nomenclature map in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
Updated Titan Features
Adds back features that previously had missed latitude/longitude values
Bug fixes and edits
Pytests: 206 tests for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 against Ubuntu, macOS, Windows
1.3.2 - Six New Titan Features
Update available named features with six new named Titan Features
New Titan Features
Six new Titan lakes officially named by the IAU in May 2024
The IAU Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature has approved the names Chapala Lacus , Robino Lacus, Fena Lacus, Dem Lacus, Tibi Lacus, and Vaca Lacus for six features on Titan. For more information, please see the Titan North Pole nomenclature map in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
All six lakes are visible from the flyby id T18
and segment S01
between 72-78
degrees latitude and 129-144
degrees longitude
Potential Backwards Incompatibility
Release removes three named Titan features which have previously been accessible but missing latitude/longitude data
- Garotman Terra (missing Westmost Longitude)
- Kutch Lacuna (missing Westmost Longitude)
- Quivira (missing Northmost and Southmost Latitude)
Bug fixes and edits
Pytests: 206 tests for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 against Ubuntu, macOS, Windows
1.3.1 - New Titan Crater Ihi
Update package for new Titan crater identified by IAU in March. No impact on existing scripts and remains backwards compatible.
New Named Titan Feature
New Titan crater Ihi identified by IAU in March 2024 added to backend for named features
Updated Feature Name Web Scrap Script Backend
Titan feature name updated website design required updated web scraping and account for different English spelling (Northmost vs Northernmost)
Bug fixes and edits
Pytests: 206 tests for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 against Ubuntu, macOS, Windows
1.3.0 - Python Versions Support
Update package for future support, deprecation warnings/vulnerabilities, and add a developer environment. No impact on existing scripts and remains backwards compatible
Python 3.12 Support
Expanded testing suite and verify support with Python 3.12. Currently supporting Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
Developer Environment
New conda environment file environment.yml
for working with or testing against the pydar repo
Bug fixes and edits
Pytests: 206 tests for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 against Ubuntu, macOS, Windows
1.2.0 - PDS Updated URL
Fix to the updated Planetary Data System (PDS) URL
has been updated
Bug fixes and edits
Pytest: 206 tests
1.1.1 - Web Scrapping and Bug Fixes
Update to back-end for web scrapping:
- PDS imaging url has been updated, new links reflect this change to prevent 403 error: ->
- Expanded User-Agent in Request from python -> web browser based user-agent
Additional Changes:
- Fix pytest to run against local repo, instead of pypi
- New pydar logo without text
- CITATION.cff and citation credits for repo
Bug fixes and edits
Pytest: 206 tests
1.1.0 - Bug Fixes
Bug fixes and library update:
- Update PDS image library (planetaryimage -> stable rasterio library)
- Additional Pytests: verify ids/features output, figure size/dpi is postive, time range (206 tests)
1.0.1 - Pytests for 1.0.0 Release
Pytests for 1.0.0 Release:
Tests cover error handling and verified output for 1.0.0 functions released
Completed: 202 Tests