ROS wrapper for RGBD segmentation.
This package is a ROS wrapper that performs segmentation based on RGBD segmentation by Richtsfeld et al. This package can be used in junction with existing grasping system, i.e., fetch_grasp_suggestion. This package also includes functionality to train Support Vector Machine model using libsvm.
This package was tested on Ubuntu 14.04
- Install ROS-indigo. Installation instructions can be found here. Full Desktop installation is recommended.
- Install the package by cloning the
repository into your catkin workspace and building it as follows:cd (your catkin workspace)/src git clone cd .. catkin_make install
change model_path directory and string point_cloud_topic into your local directory in 'Segmenter::Segmenter' in src/segmenter_jordlee.cpp
cd (your catkin workspace) source devel/setup.bash export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<robot_name_or_ip>:11311
run rosnode
rosrun segmenter_jordlee segmenter_jordlee
open a new terminal. call rosservice. (repeat step 1, 2 before rosservice call)
rosservice call /segment_object "{}" > /dev/null
Visualization in Rviz
rosrun rviz rviz
change frame to base_link. Pointcloud before segmenting will be under topic sensor_msgs/PointCloud2/pointtestinginput.
Segmented objects will be under topic visualization_msgs::MarkerArray/markers_jordlee
Currently, the segmenter uses 'PP-Trainingsset.txt.scaled.model' as a default SVM model. This is trained by Object Segmentation Database. User can change this by using their own dataset. mOSD trained data set is provided as an example in the src/svm_model_creator.cpp
prepare own object data set
cd (your catkin workspace)/devel/lib/segmenter_jordlee ./svm_model creator -f ~/path_to_your_objectdatasets/datasets%1d.pcd -idx 0(number of your current train set)
press F10 once TomGine window pops up.
Go to src/svm_model_creator.cpp
go to 'Segmenter::annotator' function.
- anno[number of surfacepatch of interest].pushback(numbering of surface patch next to it that is within same object)
- repeat this for all surfaces except the floor and surfaces which are extremely small
- move to next surface This annotation handles double counting so you do not need to count it twice (i.e., anno[1].pushback(2), no need to anno[2].pushback(1))
when you finished the annotation for all the datasets,
./svm_model creator -f ~/path_to_your_objectdatasets/datasets%1d.pcd -idx 0 10(total count of your training data set)
this will generate 'model.txt' in '/devel/lib/segmenter_jordlee'
move this model.txt to model folder in your src/segmenter_jordlee/model
change of variable name is segmenter_jordlee.cpp for using this model.
- Subscribers
Point cloud stream used for updating the scene for segmentation. The point cloud subscribed to can be changed by setting thestring point_cloud_topic
in constructor of 'Segmenter::Segmenter'.
- Publishers
segmented object list/pointstestinginput
pointcloud before segmenting. Used for visualization in rviz./segmented_markers
visualization markers in rviz
- Service Clients
segmented object list. This has a same type with the segmented object list in the publisher. So the same message types are both published and saved in the service response. Users can remove one of these for their own need.
This version currently works with fetch_grasp_suggestion, which subscribes rail_segmentation/SegmentedObjectList. Users may change the type of the message for their grasping system. Please refer to connecting with alternative segmenter for detailed instruction.
Ung Hee(Jordan) Lee
Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan
[email protected]
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Richtsfeld
Automation and Control Institute (ACIN)
Vienna University of Technology
Gusshausstraße 25-29
1040 Vienna
- Richtsfeld A., Mörwald T., Prankl J., Zillich M. and Vincze M. - Segmentation of Unknown Objects in Indoor Environments. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 (pdf)
- Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin, LIBSVM : a library for support vector machines. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2:27:1--27:27, 2011. Software available at
- strands-project v4r library
- Modified Object Segmented Datasets
The speed of running the package decreased after including and building from source file on_nurbs opennurbs from strands-project v4r library instead of using pcl 1.7.2. For now, easy solution would be install the pcl 1.7.2. and connect the header files to the pcl instead of this stand alone on_nurbs opennurbs.