X-Wing 2.0 Maneuver cards for those of us who have difficulty remembering all the maneuvers
- Created by Knut Urbye at 3-T-8.com for personal use by the X-Wing Community
- Version: 1.w7
Using the GIMP Python plugins and included templates is quite straight forward. All you have to do is find your personal plug-ins directory and upload the .py files there. The Template files can be opened form anywhere. The plug-ins can be accessed from the "Plug-ins" menu in Gimp.
- Trello: https://trello.com/b/Lj8IR5So/todo'
- Star Wars, X-Wing: The Miniatures Game and all related properties, images and text are owned by Fantasy Flight Games, Lucasfilm Ltd., and/or Disney.
- Cards are generated using X-Wing2 Data: https://github.com/guidokessels/xwing-data2
- Icon and Ship Fonts: https://github.com/geordanr/xwing-miniatures-font
- Template starting point: https://www.deviantart.com/odanan/art/X-Wing-2nd-Ed-Template-v2-748403857
- All waves 1-6 scripted to generate cards
- Updated Fireball and Tie ba Interceptor scripts with ship ability and new ship icons
- Added scripts for wave 7 including
- Xi-class Light Shuttle
- HMP Droid Gunship
- TIE/rb Heavy