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Next attempt at breaking the extend cycle in Checker
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PaulKlint committed Jun 18, 2024
1 parent f926539 commit 34fcd8b
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Showing 8 changed files with 265 additions and 288 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions .settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ extend lang::rascalcore::check::CheckerCommon;

import lang::rascalcore::grammar::definition::Layout;
import lang::rascalcore::grammar::definition::Keywords;

import lang::rascalcore::check::ModuleStatus;

import lang::rascal::\syntax::Rascal;

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ extend lang::rascalcore::check::Import;

extend lang::rascalcore::check::RascalConfig;

extend lang::rascalcore::check::ModuleStatus;
extend lang::rascalcore::check::CheckerCommon;

import lang::rascalcore::compile::CompileTimeError;
import analysis::typepal::Exception;
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,18 +3,269 @@ module lang::rascalcore::check::CheckerCommon

A convenience module that helps to break cycles in the import structure
Also introduces ModuleStatus that represents all the relevant information about currently processed modules.

extend lang::rascalcore::check::CollectType;
extend lang::rascalcore::check::ComputeType;
extend lang::rascalcore::check::SyntaxGetters;
extend analysis::typepal::FailMessage;

import analysis::typepal::Collector;

import lang::rascal::\syntax::Rascal;
import DateTime;
import Exception;
import IO;
import List;
import ListRelation;
import Location;
import Map;
import Set;
import String;
import ValueIO;
import util::Reflective;

import lang::rascalcore::compile::util::Names; // TODO: refactor, this is an undesired dependency on compile
import lang::rascalcore::compile::CompileTimeError;

void checkSupportedByParserGenerator(Tree t, Collector c){
c.require("implemented by parsergenerator", t, [t], void(Solver s){
tp = s.getType(t);
if(isNonParameterizedNonTerminalType(tp)) return;, "%t is possibly not yet supported by parsergenerator", tp));

data MStatus =
| parsed()
| parse_error()
| module_dependencies_extracted()
| checked()
| check_error()
| code_generated()
| tpl_uptodate()
| tpl_saved()
| ignored()

data ModuleStatus =
rel[str, PathRole, str] strPaths,
rel[loc, PathRole, loc] paths,
map[str, Module] parseTrees,
list[str] parseTreeLIFO,
map[str, TModel] tmodels,
list[str] tmodelLIFO,
map[str,loc] moduleLocs,
map[str,datetime] moduleLastModified,
map[str, list[Message]] messages,
map[str, set[MStatus]] status,
PathConfig pathConfig

ModuleStatus newModuleStatus(PathConfig pcfg) = moduleStatus({}, {}, (), [], (), [], (), (), (), (), pcfg);

bool traceTPL = false;
bool traceParseTreeCache = false;
bool traceTModelCache = false;

tuple[bool,loc] getTPLReadLoc(str qualifiedModuleName, PathConfig pcfg){
parts = split("::", qualifiedModuleName);
parts = parts[0 .. size(parts)-1] + "$<parts[-1]>";
res = intercalate("/", parts);
fileName = intercalate("/", parts) + ".tpl";
dirName = makeDirName(qualifiedModuleName);

for(loc dir <- [pcfg.resources, pcfg.bin] + pcfg.libs){ // In a bin or lib directory?
fileLoc = dir + "<compiled_rascal_package>" + fileName;
if(traceTPL) println("getTPLReadLoc: <qualifiedModuleName> =\> <fileLoc>");
return <true, fileLoc>;
} else {
println("getTPLReadLoc: DOES NOT EXIST: <fileLoc>");
return <false, |error:///|>;

tuple[bool,loc] getTPLWriteLoc(str qualifiedModuleName, PathConfig pcfg){
fileName = "<asBaseClassName(qualifiedModuleName)>.tpl";
tplLoc = getDerivedResourcesDir(qualifiedModuleName, pcfg) + fileName;
return <exists(tplLoc), tplLoc>;

datetime getLastModified(str qualifiedModuleName, map[str, datetime] moduleLastModified, PathConfig pcfg){
qualifiedModuleName = unescape(qualifiedModuleName);
try {
res = moduleLastModified[qualifiedModuleName];
//println("getLastModified <qualifiedModuleName> from map: <res>");
return res;
} catch NoSuchKey(_): {
try {
mloc = getModuleLocation(qualifiedModuleName, pcfg);
res = lastModified(mloc);
//println("getLastModified <mloc> via lastModified: <res>");
return res;
} catch value _: {
return $2000-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00$;

int parseTreeCacheSize = 10;

tuple[bool, Module, ModuleStatus] getModuleParseTree(str qualifiedModuleName, ModuleStatus ms){
pcfg = ms.pathConfig;
if(traceParseTreeCache) println("*** using cached parse tree for <qualifiedModuleName>");
return <true, ms.parseTrees[qualifiedModuleName], ms>;
} else {
ms.status[qualifiedModuleName] = {};
if(parse_error() notin ms.status[qualifiedModuleName]){
if(size(ms.parseTreeLIFO) >= parseTreeCacheSize){
ms.parseTrees = delete(ms.parseTrees, ms.parseTreeLIFO[-1]);
if(traceParseTreeCache) println("*** deleting parse tree <ms.parseTreeLIFO[-1]>");
ms.parseTreeLIFO = ms.parseTreeLIFO[..-1];
ms.parseTreeLIFO = [qualifiedModuleName, *ms.parseTreeLIFO];
mloc = |unknown:///<qualifiedModuleName>|;
try {
mloc = getModuleLocation(qualifiedModuleName, pcfg);
} catch _: {
//ms.messages[qualifiedModuleName] ? [] = [error("Module <qualifiedModuleName> not found", mloc)];
//ms.status[qualifiedModuleName] += {not_found()};
mpt = [Module] "module <qualifiedModuleName>";
//ms.parseTrees[qualifiedModuleName] = mpt;
ms.moduleLocs[qualifiedModuleName] = mloc;
return <false, mpt, ms>;
if(traceParseTreeCache) println("*** parsing <qualifiedModuleName> from <mloc>");
try {
pt = parseModuleWithSpaces(mloc).top;
ms.parseTrees[qualifiedModuleName] = pt;
ms.moduleLocs[qualifiedModuleName] = getLoc(pt);
ms.status[qualifiedModuleName] += parsed();
return <true, pt, ms>;
} catch _: {//ParseError(loc src): {
ms.messages[qualifiedModuleName] ? [] = [error("Parse error in <qualifiedModuleName>", mloc)];
ms.moduleLocs[qualifiedModuleName] = mloc;
ms.status[qualifiedModuleName] += parse_error();
return <false, [Module] "module <qualifiedModuleName>", ms>;
mpt = [Module] "module <qualifiedModuleName>";
ms.parseTrees[qualifiedModuleName] = mpt;
return <false, mpt, ms>;

set[str] hardwired = {};

int tmodelCacheSize = 4; // should be > 0

int maxHardwired = tmodelCacheSize/4;
void analyzeTModels(ModuleStatus ms){
freq = ();
total = 0;
for(<_, _, m2> <- ms.strPaths){
freq[m2] ? 0 += 1;
total += 1;
sorted_freq = sort(toList(freq), bool(tuple[str s,int n] a, tuple[str s, int n] b){ return a.n > b.n; });
nmodules = size(freq);
cutoff = 2 * total/(nmodules + 1);
hardwire = [tp | tuple[str s, int n] tp <- sorted_freq , tp.n > cutoff][0..maxHardwired];
println("analyzeTModels: <nmodules> modules, imports/extends: <total>, cutoff: <cutoff>");
hardwired = toSet(domain(hardwire));

ModuleStatus addTModel (str qualifiedModuleName, TModel tm, ModuleStatus ms){
if(traceTModelCache) println("addTModel: <qualifiedModuleName>");
if(tmodelCacheSize > 0){
if(tpl_saved() notin ms.status[qualifiedModuleName]){
throw "Cannot add module <qualifiedModuleName> with unsaved tpl";
ms.tmodels[qualifiedModuleName] = tm;
if(qualifiedModuleName notin hardwired){
if(qualifiedModuleName notin ms.tmodelLIFO){
ms.tmodelLIFO = [qualifiedModuleName, *ms.tmodelLIFO];
while(size(ms.tmodels) >= tmodelCacheSize && size(ms.tmodelLIFO) > 0 && ms.tmodelLIFO[-1] != qualifiedModuleName){
if(tpl_saved() notin ms.status[ms.tmodelLIFO[-1]]){
throw "Cannot remove unsaved tpl <ms.tmodelLIFO[-1]>, <ms.status[ms.tmodelLIFO[-1]]>";
ms.tmodels = delete(ms.tmodels, ms.tmodelLIFO[-1]);
if(traceTModelCache) println("*** deleting tmodel <ms.tmodelLIFO[-1]>, tmodels: <size(ms.tmodels)>, lifo: <size(ms.tmodelLIFO)>");
ms.tmodelLIFO = ms.tmodelLIFO[..-1];
return ms;

tuple[bool, TModel, ModuleStatus] getTModelForModule(str qualifiedModuleName, ModuleStatus ms){
if(traceTModelCache) println("getTModelForModule: <qualifiedModuleName>");
pcfg = ms.pathConfig;
if(tpl_saved() notin ms.status[qualifiedModuleName]){
throw "Unsaved tmodel for <qualifiedModuleName> in cache";
return <true, ms.tmodels[qualifiedModuleName], ms>;
while(size(ms.tmodels) >= tmodelCacheSize && size(ms.tmodelLIFO) > 0 && ms.tmodelLIFO[-1] != qualifiedModuleName){
ms.tmodels = delete(ms.tmodels, ms.tmodelLIFO[-1]);
if(traceTModelCache) println("*** deleting tmodel <ms.tmodelLIFO[-1]>, tmodels: <size(ms.tmodels)>, lifo: <size(ms.tmodelLIFO)>");
ms.tmodelLIFO = ms.tmodelLIFO[..-1];

<found, tplLoc> = getTPLReadLoc(qualifiedModuleName, pcfg);
if(traceTPL) println("*** reading tmodel <tplLoc>");
try {
tpl = readBinaryValueFile(#TModel, tplLoc);
if(tpl.rascalTplVersion? && isValidRascalTplVersion(tpl.rascalTplVersion)){
tpl = convertTModel2PhysicalLocs(tpl);

ms.tmodels[qualifiedModuleName] = tpl;
ms.status[qualifiedModuleName] += {tpl_uptodate(), tpl_saved()};
if(qualifiedModuleName notin hardwired){
ms.tmodelLIFO = [qualifiedModuleName, *ms.tmodelLIFO];
return <true, tpl, ms>;
//else {
// msg = "<tplLoc> has outdated or missing Rascal TPL version (required: <getCurrentRascalTplVersion()>)";
// println("INFO: <msg>)");
// throw rascalTplVersionError(msg);
// //ms.tmodels[qualifiedModuleName] =
// // tmodel(modelName=qualifiedModuleName,
// // messages=[msg]);
// //return <true, tpl, ms>;
} catch e: {
//ms.status[qualifiedModuleName] ? {} += not_found();
return <false, tmodel(modelName=qualifiedModuleName, messages=[error("Cannot read TPL for <qualifiedModuleName>: <e>", tplLoc)]), ms>;
//throw IO("Cannot read tpl for <qualifiedModuleName>: <e>");
msg = "<tplLoc> has outdated or missing Rascal TPL version (required: <getCurrentRascalTplVersion()>)";
println("INFO: <msg>)");
throw rascalTplVersionError(msg);
//if(qualifiedModuleName notin hardwired){
// ms.tmodelLIFO = ms.tmodelLIFO[1..];
//ms.status[qualifiedModuleName] ? {} += not_found();
return <false, tmodel(modelName=qualifiedModuleName, messages=[error("Cannot read TPL for <qualifiedModuleName>", |unknown:///<qualifiedModuleName>|)]), ms>;
// throw IO("Cannot read tpl for <qualifiedModuleName>");
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module lang::rascalcore::check::Import

Check imports, and read/write TPL files.
Introduces ModuleStatus that represents all the relevant information about currently processed modules.

extend lang::rascalcore::check::CheckerCommon;
Expand All @@ -12,7 +11,6 @@ import lang::rascalcore::check::RascalConfig;

import lang::rascal::\syntax::Rascal;
import lang::rascalcore::check::ADTandGrammar;
import lang::rascalcore::check::ModuleStatus;

import DateTime;
import Exception;
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