Allows setting any of the Teenys 3.2 pins to create PWM signals. Uses analogwrite on the PWM pins and SoftPWM on the others.
- Adjusts Resolution (PWM pins only)
- Adjusts Frequency (PWM pins only)
- Adjusts Dutycyle ? provides
PWM Controller
Frequency: 187500.000000
Duty: +50.000
Resolution: 8
Pin: 5
CPU: 96
PWM Max: 255
Sample rate: 1918
m/M to disable/enable PWM pin:
s/S to disable/enable data streaming
v/V to disable/enable human readable data display
------- Data Input--------------------------------
p5 to set PWM pin 5
d50 to set duty cyle to 50%
f512 to set frequency to 512Hz
r8 to set PWM resolution to 8 bits
Maximum Values:
Teensy 3.2 96MHz Resolution 16bit, 723.42 Hz PWM
SoftPWN Resoltuion 8bit, 60 Hz PWM
List pins PWM or SOFT or NA here
Press S to continue.
Streaming was turned off to hold this diplay.
Urs Utzinger, 2019-21