Follow these simple steps:
- Download the
file from releases (or just click this). - Approve the installation of the software on your device.
- Have fun!
- Supported languages: English, Russian
- Supported themes: Dark, Light
- Works by creating a connection between the App and the server.
- Notifications 15 minutes before a class for a week in advance (enable it in settings).
- Notes about lessons (enable it in settings).
- Role: teacher or student.
- Choosing group for student role.
- Links to courses in Moodle (copying by long press and navigating by click).
- Shows you all of the classes for each day.
- Indicates what class is going on right now and what will be the next one.
- If you’ve chosen a subgroup in settings, it will show you only this subgroup's classes; otherwise — all classes.
- You can also use the numerator/denominator logic if your class has a 2-week frequency.
- Choose your role: student or teacher.
- Select group if you are a student.
- Select subgroup if you are a student.
- Change interface color.
- Turn on/off cute cats.
- App's code on GitHub.
- Report a bug via Gmail.
How to link your schedule to our App:
- Choose your role, group, and subgroup in the settings.
- Ensure you have access to your schedule data.
- Follow the instructions in the App's settings menu.
The table feature has been removed as data is now fetched directly from the server.