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PRflow with PicoRV32 on Ultra96v2 board.

This is a temporary repo for PRflow with picorv32 support on top of Vitis 2021.1.

1 Tool Setup

1.1 Vitis Preparation

The demo is developed with Vitis 2021.1 and Ultra96v2 board. The default Vitis does not include Ultra96v2 BSP. You can copy the dir ultra96v2 under BSP to <Vitis Installation DIR>/Vivado/2021.1/data/xhub/boards/XilinxBoardStore/boards/Xilinx. If you install Vitis under /opt/Xilinx/, you should set the Xilinx_dir in ./common/configure/ultra96/configure.xml as below.

    <spec name = "Xilinx_dir" value = "/scratch/unsafe/SDSoC/Vivado/2021.1/" />

1.2 Vitis Embedded SDK Installation

Embedded MPSoC ARMs need the specific SDK to compile the host code. Download ZYNQMP common image and extract the xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2021.1.tar.gz file to /opt/. Go to /opt/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2021.1 and execute ./ -y -dir sdk -p, you should see the setup script (/opt/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2021.1/ir/environment-setup-cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux). If you install the SDK under /opt/xilinx/platforms/, you should set the features correctly in ./common/configure/ultra96/configure.xml as below.

   <spec name = "sdk_dir"             value = "/opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2021.1/ir/environment-setup-cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux" />

1.3 Ultra96 DFX Platform Preparation

I got the DFX platform from If you copy the platforms/xilinx_ultra96_base_dfx_202110_1 to /opt/xilinx/platforms/, you should set the feature correctly in ./common/configure/ultra96/configure.xml as below.

  <spec name = "PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS" value=  "/opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_ultra96_base_dfx_202110_1" />
  <spec name = "ROOTFS"              value = "/opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_ultra96_base_dfx_202110_1/sw/xilinx_ultra96_base_dfx_202110_1/Petalinux/rootfs" />
  <spec name = "PLATFORM"            value = "xilinx_ultra96_base_dfx_202110_1" />

1.4 RISC-V Tool Praparation

The RISC-V toolchain is based on picorv32 repo. You can install the RISC-V toolchain with this commit tag (411d134). We copy the installation guide from picorv32 as below.

git clone
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain/
git reset --hard b39e36160aa0649ba0dfb9aa314d375900d610fb
./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv32 --with-arch=rv32im

If install the riscv-toolchain under /opt/riscv32i, you should set the feature correctly in ./common/configure/configure.xml as below.

<spec name = "riscv_dir"          value = "/opt/riscv32i" />

You don't need to install RISC-V toolchain if you only need to run hardware implementation.

2 Benchmark Preparation

  1. To get our Makefile to work, you need to copy your application cpp code to a certain directory. We take rendering2 as an example.
  2. You can create the directory rendering2 with the same name as the benchmark under './input_src'.
  3. We create one cpp file and one header file for each operator. In ./input_src/rendering/operators, we can see 2 operators to be mapped to partial reconfigurable pages. The directory structure is as below.
├── input_src
│   └── rendering2
│       ├── cfg
│       │   ├── u50.cfg
│       ├── host
│       │   ├── host.cpp
│       │   ├── input_data.h
│       │   ├── top.cpp
│       │   ├── top.h
│       │   └── typedefs.h
│       ├── Makefile
│       ├── operators
│       │   ├── data_redir_m.cpp
│       │   ├── data_redir_m.h
│       │   ├── rasterization2_m.cpp
│       │   └── rasterization2_m.h
│       └── sw_emu
│           ├──
│           ├── Makefile
│           └── xrt.ini
  1. We can set the page number and target (HW or RISC-V) in the header file for each operator.
    #pragma map_target = HW page_num = 2 inst_mem_size = 65536
  1. Currently, we use a top function in ./input_src/rendering2/host/top.cpp to show how to connect different operators together. Our python script ( will parse the top.cpp and operator header files to extract the interconnection, and generate the configuration packets.

3 Tutorial 1: Map all Operators to Hardware

  1. After you set up all the necessary tools, you need to set the directory for Vitis and RISC-V toolchain in configure.xml.
    <spec name = "Xilinx_dir" value = "/scratch/unsafe/SDSoC/Vivado/2021.1/" />
    <spec name = "RISC-V_dir"  value = "/scratch/unsafe/RISCV/RISC-V32i" />
  1. You can also define specific features for ultra96 board in comfigure.xml, which overlaps the previous settings.

  2. In the Makefile, change the prj_name to rendering2.

  1. Type 'Make -j$(nproc)'. It will generate all the necessary DCP and bitstream files automatically. Different operators can be compiled in parallel according to the thread number of your local machine. Be careful with the memory requirements, when you use multi-threads to compile the project. When I use 8 threads to compile, I at least need 32 GB DDR memory.
Make -j$(nproc)
  1. After all the compile tasks are completed, you can see the abstract shell dcp for each DFX pages under .workspace/F001_overlay/ydma/ultra96/ultra96_dfx_manual/checkpoint.

  2. This link shows how to use GParted to prepare the SD card to boot the Ultra96 board with Linux. It mainly partitions the SD card into BOOT and rootfs parts as below.

  1. Copy the boot files to BOOT.
cp <repo root>/workspace/F001_overlay/ydma/ultra96/package/sd_card/* /media/<linux account>/BOOT/

Go to the platform directory (such as /opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_ultra96_base_dfx_202110_1/sw/xilinx_ultra96_base_dfx_202110_1/Petalinux/image) and execute the commands below.

sudo tar -zxvf rootfs.tar.gz -C /media/<linux account>/rootfs/
  1. Copy BOOT.BIN and image.ub under ./BSP to the BOOT partition in the SD card to overlap the original ones. These two files come from

  2. Copy all the files to the BOOT partition of our SD card for ultra96 boards.

  3. Boot up the board and execute the commands below.

mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
cd /mnt
export XILINX_XRT=/usr
export XILINX_VITIS=/mnt
  1. You should see the bunny shows up in the terminal.

4 Tutorial 2: Map one operator to RISC-V

  1. The partial reconfigurable page 2 can be mapped to picorc32 cores. To make sure the RISC-V core can map 'ap_int.h' and 'ap_fixed.h', the smallest bram size it 65536 Bytes. We could only pre-load one page (page 2) with RISC-V for ultra96, but for ZCU102, we can pre-load 16 RISC-V cores.

  1. We are going to switch 'data_redir' page to RISC-V.
  2. Currently, we change the pragma in data_redir.h.
    #pragma map_target = RISCV page_num = 2 inst_mem_size = 65536
  1. Type 'Make', the RISC-V core for this operator will be re-compiled automatically. Ideally, we should use an ARM to send instruction data through BFT to the pre-loaded RISC-V core. However, this feature is still in progress, and we will place&reute the RISC-V cores over and over when we make changes to the operator.

  2. Again, copy all the files to the BOOT partition of our SD card for ultra96 boards.

  3. Boot up the board and execute the commands below.

mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
cd /mnt
export XILINX_XRT=/usr
export XILINX_VITIS=/mnt
  1. You should see the bunny shows up in the terminal.


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