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Remove lemma already proved in Prop.Relative.
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silene committed Jun 1, 2020
1 parent e16e66c commit 554a57b
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 130 deletions.
130 changes: 0 additions & 130 deletions src/Core/FLT.v
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Expand Up @@ -517,134 +517,4 @@ destruct (Rle_or_lt (bpow (emin + prec)) x) as [Hs|Hs].
exact Hs.

Notation u := (bpow (1-prec) / 2)%R.

Lemma error_le_opt_FLT : forall choice x,
(bpow (emin+prec-1) <= Rabs x)%R ->
(Rabs (round beta FLT_exp (Znearest choice) x -x) <= (u/(1+u)) * Rabs x)%R.
Proof with auto with typeclass_instances.
intros choice x Hx.
case_eq (mag beta x); intros e He1 He2.
assert (Y1 : (x <> 0)%R).
intros K; contradict Hx; apply Rlt_not_le.
rewrite K, Rabs_R0; apply bpow_gt_0.
assert (Y2 : (0 < u)%R).
apply Rdiv_lt_0_compat; try apply bpow_gt_0; now auto with real.
assert (Y3 : (0 < u / (1 + u))%R).
apply Rdiv_lt_0_compat; try easy.
apply Rplus_lt_0_compat; try easy; now auto with real.
assert (Y4:(emin+prec-1 < e)%Z).
apply lt_bpow with beta.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (1:=Hx).
apply He1...
(* *)
case (Rle_or_lt ((1+u)*bpow (e-1)) (Rabs x)); intros H.
(* big mantissa *)
apply Rle_trans with (/2*ulp beta FLT_exp x)%R.
apply error_le_half_ulp...
rewrite ulp_neq_0...
unfold cexp, FLT_exp; rewrite He2.
simpl (mag_val _ _ (Build_mag_prop beta x e He1)).
rewrite Z.max_l.
apply Rle_trans with (u*bpow (e - 1))%R.
unfold u; rewrite (Rmult_comm _ (/2)).
rewrite Rmult_assoc; right; f_equal.
rewrite <- bpow_plus; f_equal; ring.
apply Rle_trans with
((u / (1 + u))*((1 + u) * bpow (e - 1)))%R.
right; field.
apply Rgt_not_eq, Rlt_gt.
apply Rplus_lt_0_compat.
auto with real.
apply bpow_gt_0.
apply Rmult_le_compat_l; try easy.
now left.
(* small mantissa *)
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs x - bpow (e-1))%R.
(* . *)
assert (T: (Rabs (round beta FLT_exp (Znearest choice) x) = bpow (e - 1))%R).
apply Rle_antisym.
assert (T: exists c, Rabs (round beta FLT_exp (Znearest choice) x) =
round beta FLT_exp (Znearest c) (Rabs x)).
case (Rle_or_lt 0 x); intros Zx.
exists choice.
rewrite Rabs_right; try easy.
rewrite Rabs_right; try easy.
now apply Rle_ge.
apply Rle_ge, round_ge_generic...
apply generic_format_0...
exists (fun t : Z => negb (choice (- (t + 1))%Z)).
rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive (round _ _ _ (Rabs x))).
rewrite <- round_N_opp...
rewrite Rabs_left1.
rewrite Rabs_left; try easy.
f_equal; f_equal; ring.
apply round_le_generic...
apply generic_format_0...
now left.
destruct T as (c,Hc); rewrite Hc.
apply round_N_le_midp...
apply generic_format_bpow...
unfold FLT_exp; rewrite Z.max_l; try omega.
unfold Prec_gt_0 in prec_gt_0_; omega.
apply Rlt_le_trans with (1:=H).
rewrite succ_eq_pos.
2: apply bpow_ge_0.
rewrite ulp_bpow.
unfold FLT_exp; rewrite Z.max_l; try omega.
replace (e-1+1-prec)%Z with ((e-1)+(1-prec))%Z by ring.
rewrite bpow_plus.
right; unfold u; field.
apply abs_round_ge_generic...
apply generic_format_bpow...
unfold FLT_exp.
rewrite Z.max_l; try omega.
unfold Prec_gt_0 in prec_gt_0_; omega.
apply He1...
case (Rle_or_lt 0 x); intros Zx.
(* . *)
rewrite Rabs_minus_sym.
rewrite Rabs_right in T.
rewrite Rabs_right; try easy.
rewrite Rabs_right; try easy.
rewrite T; right; ring.
auto with real.
apply Rle_ge.
apply Rle_0_minus.
rewrite T.
rewrite <- (Rabs_right x).
apply He1...
auto with real.
apply Rle_ge, round_ge_generic...
apply generic_format_0...
(* . *)
rewrite Rabs_left1 in T.
rewrite Rabs_right.
rewrite Rabs_left; try easy.
rewrite <- T; right; ring.
apply Rle_ge.
apply Rle_0_minus.
apply Ropp_le_cancel.
rewrite T.
rewrite <- (Rabs_left x); try easy.
apply He1...
apply round_le_generic...
apply generic_format_0...
now left.
(* . *)
apply Rplus_le_reg_l with
(bpow (e - 1) - ((u / (1 + u) * Rabs x)))%R.
apply Rle_trans with (bpow (e-1));[idtac|right;ring].
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs x * (1-u/(1+u)))%R;[right; ring|idtac].
apply Rmult_le_reg_l with (1+u)%R.
apply Rplus_lt_0_compat; try easy; now auto with real.
left; apply Rle_lt_trans with (2:=H).
right; field.
apply Rgt_not_eq, Rlt_gt.
apply Rplus_lt_0_compat.
auto with real.
apply bpow_gt_0.


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