The aim of this project was to implement a real-time Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller (NMPC) with dynamic obstacle avoidance. The following image displays the nodes that are involved:
Visible from the node structure above, this package can be used for simulation and physical implementation. The control loop is shown below:
The MPC and obstacle detection nodes have been developed here. The remaining subsystems use existing ROS packages. The following tools have been used for this project:
- CasADI to solve the MPC optimisation problem in real-time.
- The Turtlebot3 Platform in simulation and practical tests.
The MPC formulation is strongly based on the foundation examples provided by Dr. Mehrez from the University of Waterloo in the series of workshops that can be found here and the Github page with sample code can be found here. Sample results from simulation and practical tests are displayed below:
Practical demo:
A major limitation of the navigation algorithm is the large number of user-defined variables. These are explored below and can be edited in the respective files:
- MPC (nav_ws/src/mpc/src/
- N: prediction window. A larger prediction window is more computationally expensive but allows the robot to predict further into the future to make early decisions to avoid obstacles.
- final goal tolerance: when does the robot believe it has reached its goal. A zero error tolerance is difficult to achieve using SLAM for state estimation.
- Q,R: controller weights. Q is a square matrix with the weight of each state. R is a square matrix with the weight of the control inputs.
- obstacle modelling diameter: diameter of each constraint.
- Obstacle Detection (nav_ws/src/obstacle_detection/src/
- MAX_SCAN_RANGE: maximum LiDAR range values used to compute obstacle constraints.
- SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE: subsampling distance for each scan.
The following instructions download the required packages and dependencies to replicate the dynamic MPC with obstacle avoidance examples. For all simulation tests and controlling the physical Turtlebot, a laptop with Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa) with ROS 1 Noetic Ninjemys was used.
Ensure catkin tools are installed:
sudo apt-get install python3-catkin-tools python3-osrf-pycommon
Install pip to download python packages:
sudo apt install python3-pip
Download the required python packages:
pip install casadi numpy
Download the Hector SLAM package:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-hector-slam
In your desired location, clone the workspace:
git clone
Move to the nav_ws/src folder to download the required turtlebot3 packages:
cd ~/nav_ws/src
Download the turtlebot3 packages:
git clone
git clone
git clone
Move into the nav_ws folder:
cd ~/nav_ws
Build the workspace:
catkin build
Source the workspace:
echo "source ~/nav_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Export the Turtlebot3 Model - burger, waffle, waffle_pi
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
The Turtlebot3 model can be added to the .bashrc file for convenience.
echo "export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
If you wish to run the simulation and all nodes from a single computer, skip to the next section.
Due to the computational load of running the Gazebo simulator and the MPC optimisation solver, the simulator was run on a separate computer to the nav demo. This can be achieved by setting up a ROS network between two computers. Any of the computers can be selected as the host. I will have the simulation computer (computer 1) as my host.
Determine the IP address of both computers using the command:
Let computer 1's IP address be A.B.C.D and let computer 2's IP address be W.X.Y.Z.
On computer 1:
- Open the ~/.bashrc file using your editor of choice.
The ROS_IP variable needs to be set to allow Gazebo messages to be sent between computers.
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://A.B.C.D:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=A.B.C.D export ROS_IP=A.B.C.D
- Save and exit the editor. Source the ~/.bashrc file.
source ~/.bashrc
On computer 2:
- Open the ~/.bashrc file using your editor of choice.
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://A.B.C.D:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=W.X.Y.Z export ROS_IP=W.X.Y.Z
- Save and exit the editor. Source the ~/.bashrc file.
source ~/.bashrc
To check the connection, run the following command on the host computer (computer 1):
On computer 2, run:
rostopic list
Computer 2 should display the /rosout and /rosargs topics. If the output displays, Unable to communicate with master!, ensure all files are sourced and the steps outlined above have been followed.
Set the goal position in the nav_ws/src/mpc/src/ and nav_ws/src/plotter/src/
On the host computer (computer 1):
In terminal 1, run:
In terminal 2, launch the simulator:
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_empty_world.launch
Add an environment to the Gazebo world so the SLAM solution has landmarks for scan matching and feature detection.
On computer 2:
In terminal 1, begin the SLAM, obstacle detection and plotter nodes:
roslaunch demo demo.launch
If a node is unwanted, comment out the node in the launch file.
In terminal 2, when the SLAM solution is stabilised:
rosrun mpc
The simulation should now run.
To reset the demo, kill the demo launch file in the terminal and the mpc controller - the two processes on computer 2. The simulation on computer 1 can be reset using the following command: In a new terminal, use the rosservice:
rosservice call /gazebo/reset_simulation {}
This will reset the robot to its starting position.