Requires jQuery core
This is a branch of the dead project for stickyforms.
For more details on usage, check out the wiki on github
'debug': 'false', // [true/false] Enable debugging
'elementTypes' : 'all', // [text,password,checkbox,radio,textarea,select-one,select-multipe,all] separate element types with comma separated values (default is all)
'cookieLifetime': '60', // [integer] number of days of cookie lifetime
'disableOnSubmit': 'true', // [true/false] disable submitting the form while the form is processing
'excludeElementIDs': '', // [ID1,ID2] exclude element IDs with comma separated values
'scope' : 'single', // [single/global] should the values be sticky only on this form (single) or across all forms on site (default is global)
'disableIfGetSet' : '', // [$_GET var] set to the $_GET var. If this $_GET var is present, it will automatically disable the plugin.
'hiddenVals' : 'true' // [true/false] true will save hidden values, whereas false will skip them
$('#reportId').StickyForm({ 'scope' : 'single', 'hiddenVals' : 'false' });