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v2.0.0 - Optimized Performance & Extended Parameters

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@nik-sta nik-sta released this 01 Sep 14:44
· 2 commits to main since this release

πŸš€ Version 2.0.0

πŸ’‘ Enhancements:

  • Added Comments: Introduced comprehensive comments to provide clarity about the function and its parameters.
  • Parameter Addition: Introduced a new parameter additionalBytesFactor to the nanoid() function to provide flexibility in calculating the step size.
  • Parameter Validations: Added validations for parameters size, alphabet, and additionalBytesFactor to ensure they meet the specified criteria.
  • Optimized Function: Introduced an optimized version of the function named nanoid_optimized for enhanced performance and reduced memory overhead.

βš™ Changes:

  • Updated Default Values: Revised the default values of alphabetLength, mask, and step in the nanoid() function.
  • Dropped Old Version: Dropped the old version of the nanoid() function to replace it with the enhanced version.
  • Updated Function Attributes: Added LEAKPROOF and PARALLEL SAFE attributes to both nanoid() and nanoid_optimized for better safety and parallel execution capabilities.

🐞 Fixes:

  • Step Size Limitation: Ensured the step size does not exceed 1024 for optimal performance.

❗ Deprecated:

  • Previous version of nanoid() function.

Migration Guide from nanoid() Version 1.0.0 to 2.0.0

Before migrating to the newer version of the nanoid() function, it's essential to identify any usages of the older version. This guide will assist you in this process.

1. Check for Occurrences of Old nanoid() Function

You can query the PostgreSQL system catalogue to check all occurrences of the potential old nanoid() function. Here's an SQL script to identify all the places where the function is used:

SELECT p.proname                 AS function_name,
       n.nspname                 AS schema_name,
       l.lanname                 AS language,
       pg_get_functiondef(p.oid) AS function_definition
FROM pg_proc p
     pg_namespace n ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
     pg_language l ON p.prolang = l.oid
WHERE p.proname = 'nanoid';

This script will return the names, schema, language, and definition of any functions named nanoid. Review these results to ensure they match the old version's signature and definition.

2. Drop Found Occurrences

After verifying and ensuring you've backed up any essential data, you can drop the older version of the nanoid() function. Here's the SQL script to do this:

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS nanoid(int, text);

Note: This drop command is based on the function signature from version 1.0.0. If there are variations in your environment, adjust the parameters in the DROP FUNCTION statement accordingly.

Final Notes:
  • Backup: Always back up your database before migrating or making changes. This ensures you can recover any lost data or functions.

  • Testing: It's recommended to perform these migration steps first in a staging or development environment to ensure everything works as expected.

  • Review: After dropping the function, review all application areas or scripts that called the old function. If necessary, update them to call the newer version with the appropriate parameters.

Following this guide, you should smoothly transition from the old nanoid() function to the enhanced version 2.0.0.