1-D simulation to perform Couette Poiseulle Flow simulation using mixing length model
objective: 1)model coutte poiselle flow, copute results and find out how good the results are? 2)check for 18 cases for numerical results with experimental resluts. 3) go to the imp/webpage/laval,lecture to download the reference papers go to coutte-poiselle practice a) experimental data b) fortran program to generate velocity profile c) reference papers
capture important details from the papers such as formulaes
Final results expected from the project:
2)make program using finite volume (should behypothese: readable/ with comments)
3)make 1 programm for all 18 cases taken for 18 papers
4)make computation for 15 cases of EL.TELBANY
make comptation for 3 cases of GILLIOT
get results for veloity and other parameters
compare results and analyse the results, if there is ant deviation from the standard try to give reasons for the deviation. reasons for deviation: 1)experimental data not correct 2)numerical model used has imperfection
couette flow: has linear velocity gradients due to a fixed and a moving wall
poiseulle floe: has a parabolic shape of velocity profile, both wall a considered fixed
couette-poiseulle flow: has a combination of linear and parabolic shape
all 18 cases use mixing length model to compute the results of tubulent model
hypothes: 1)visocous 2)steady 3)1-directional 4)parallel flow 5)isothermal to make the viscosity constant
form continuity we get du/dx is zero problem
Steps of solution with finite volume:
1)discretize in the y-direction the mesh-(frinctional velocity related to the dy near wall) in 1-d
2)finite volume works on conservation laws.
3)solve equation mesh by mesh
4)integrate the equation the final equation wrt y-direction, use S-south and N-north for the integration limits
5)effect the equation to the centre of the mesh.
6)program the centre of the grid points of the discretised points
program structure:
routine of thomas that takes 3 values and gets answer
main program to use different cases and gets the
a routine for turbulent model to compute turbulent viscosity
- to compile the modules:
gfortran -c grid.f90 gfortran -c nu_turbulent.f90 gfortran -c thomas.f90
- To compile the main program:
gfortran grid.o nu_turbulent.o thomas.o couettegilcommented.f90 -o couette.exe
- To run the program:
There is a separate code written to get the plots using python. you can use the code with file name python_code and copy and paste after you put all the data of the computed values in the plot folder.