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Show hints / tooltips, pointing to a particular UI element in Compose (Compose Multiplatform and Jetpack Compose)


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What is ComposeHints?

ComposeHints is a Compose Multiplatform (Android, iOS, Web, Desktop) library to show hints / tooltips, pointing to a particular UI element.


   ios     android

Quick Start

First add the dependency to your project:

repositories {

dependencies {

To show a hint we need the HintController, Hint composable, and hintAnchor Modifier along with HintAnchorState:

val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val hintController = rememberHintController()

// Build UI for the hint
val hint = rememberHint {
    Text("Hello World")
// Create an anchor's state
val hintAnchor = rememberHintAnchorState(hint)

    modifier = Modifier
        // Configure the anchor
        .hintAnchor(hintAnchor, shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp))
    onClick = {
        // Show the hint
        coroutineScope.launch {
            // Do something here after the hint was shown
) {
    Text("Show hint")

Note: Modifier ordering always matter in Compose, we set 16.dp after hintAnchor modifier to have extra space around this button (the anchor's size will be bigger by 16.dp that the actual button's size).


Show many hints

You are not limited in showing only 1 hint, HintController allows you to show either 1 or many hints sequentially.

Hint style

There are no limitations how your hints can look like. ComposeHints library uses "slot" approach where you pass your own Composable content which should be shown as a hint. The library only provides a possibility to draw an overlay, calculate anchor's coordinates, and clip shapes.

E.g. we can build an app specific hint implementation with background and some paddings.

fun rememberHintContainer(content: @Composable () -> Unit): Hint {
    return rememberHint {
            modifier = Modifier
                .padding(vertical = 8.dp)
                .background(Color.Yellow, shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp))
        ) {
                LocalTextStyle provides TextStyle(
                    color = Color.Black,
                    fontSize = 12.sp,
                    fontWeight = FontWeight.Light,
            ) {

And in our apps we will our new rememberHintContainer composable:

// Build UI for the hint
-val hint = rememberHint {
+val hint = rememberHintContainer {
    Text("Hello World")

Overlay color

Be default the background overlay has scrimColor as Color(0x44000000). There is an option to provide either a Color or Brush:

val hintController = rememberHintController(overlay = Color.Red)

// or set Brush:
val hintController = rememberHintController(
    overlay = Brush.linearGradient(
            Color.Blue.copy(alpha = 0.5f),
            Color.Red.copy(alpha = 0.5f),

Clip shape

By default RectangleShape is used to provide a shape around anchors. hintAnchor modifier accepts Shape as a parameter to override it.

Modifier.hintAnchor(hintAnchor, shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp))

Modifier.hintAnchor(hintAnchor, shape = CircleShape)

Future plans

ComposeHints is under development and some features are missing:

  • Animations
  • Ignore statusBar and navigationBar on Android