Creates an accessible accordion - collapsible content panels.
To get started you can either:
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Or install with Bower:
bower install jquery.accessible-accordion
Then it's just a case of including the following scripts on your page, best at the bottom:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.debouncedresize.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.accAccordion.min.js"></script>
Type: boolean
Default 'false'
Description: Should the active tab be hidden off-screen
Type: boolean
Default 'false'
Description: Specify which panel to open by default using 0-based position
Type: function
Description: Callback when the plugin is created
Type: function
Description: Callback when the plugin is destroyed
Type: string
Default 'js-accordion'
Description: A class for the accordion
Type: string
Default 'js-accordion--horizontal'
Description: A class for when the accordion is horizontal
Type: boolean
Default 'false'
Description: Should the accordion be horizontal
Type: string
Default 'js-accordion_panel'
Description: Class to be applied to the panel
Type: string
Default 'js-accordion_panel--'
Description: Ids for panels should start with the following string
Type: string
Default 'js-accordion_control'
Description: Class to apply to each panel control
Type: string
Default 'js-accordion_control--active'
Description: A class applied to the active panel control
Type: string
Default 'js-accordion_control--hidden'
Description: A class applied if the panel control is hidden. Only used when the activeControlHidden option is true
Type: string
Default 'js-accordion_control--'
Description: Ids for panel controls should start with the following string
Type: string
Default 'js-accordion_panel-title'
Description: Class applied to panel titles. Only used when the activeControlHidden option is true
Type: Integer
Default '33'
Description: The width of the panel in % for horizontal accordion
This plugin requires:
First time setup of this plugin will require the node packages to be installed. On Windows use the command prompt with Ruby or on a Mac use terminal, install the global node.js packages:
$npm install
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to install and use Grunt.
You will need to install the Grunt CLI (command line interface):
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
# => if you have used grunt before you probably have this (this can be run from any directory)
Next install the plugin's node packages:
$ npm install
Running grunt (with watcher) will watch for any changes and recompile - best used during development:
$ grunt
You can run a connect web server on
, if required, when running grunt:
$ grunt --connect
# => Running "connect:server" (connect) task
# => Started connect web server on
# => Running "watch" task
# => Waiting...
Copyright © 2014 @nomensa
Licensed under MIT