A collection of experiments and explorations related to Visual Question Answering
There are many ways to create a virtual environment. Here is one of them using pyenv
- If you don't have Python 3.10.10 installed, do it as following:
pyenv install 3.10.10
- Create a virtual environment:
pyenv virtualenv 3.10.10 vqa
- Activate it for the working directory:
pyenv local vqa
make init-dev
or just
cp .env.template .env
- Replace the
with corresponding values.
- To copy a directory from local host to a remote host via SCP (example):
scp -r /local/directory/ username@to_host:/remote/directory/
- To copy a directory from a remote host to local host via SCP (example):
scp -r username@from_host:/remote/directory/ /local/directory/
- To run a Jupiter Notebook on the server:
export SINGULARITYENV_WANDB_ENTITY=<your-entity-name>
export HF_DATASETS_CACHE="/shared/sets/datasets/huggingface_cache"
export DATASETS_PATH="/shared/sets/datasets"
export SAVE_ARTIFACTS_PATH="/.local/share"
cd scripts && sbatch run-jupyter.sh
- To access the notebook, one can use a command like this:
ssh -N -f -L localhost:8989:localhost:8989 [username]@[server-job-runs-on].gmum
- To get the name of the server job runs on, one can use a command like this:
squeue -u [username]
The result should look like this:
123456 batch run-jup username R 0:01 1 node-1
Then, one can use the node-1
name to access the notebook.
- Then, one can access the notebook via a browser at
. - To stop the notebook, one can use a command like this:
scancel <job_id>
- To get the job id, one can use a command like this:
squeue -u <username> -n jupyter
- To get the list of all the running jobs, one can use a command like this:
squeue -u <username>
- To synchronize the local directory with the remote one, one can use a command like this:
rsync -vrzhe ssh vqa/ [username]@[server]:./vqa
- One can use a helper script to automatically submit an experiment to the cluster:
./submit.sh [experiment|jupyter]
- DVC is used to persist the data and models, track data pipelines, and reproduce experiments.
- The remote storage is configured to be an SSH Server
- There are several pipelines for data preprocessing.
- To reproduce them, one can use a command like this:
dvc repro