is a script to facilitate routine operations of websites' transfer from the one server to another. It's a really quick and easy way to copy your database and files.
This utilities are necessary for
- sshpass
- OpenSSH client/server
- scp or rsync
- mysql reads its settings from a configuration file. This file is named .stransfer.conf by default and located in the same directory with the main script. You can change the location of the file using a key -f:
sh -f path/to/your/config/.stransfer.conf
The configuration file is included by source command so you need to set the options as bash variables
TRANSFER_METHOD - the method of files transfering, rsync (by default) or scp
REMOTE_SSH_CONNECTION - the ssh connection string in a format <user>@<host>
AUTH_TYPE - a type of ssh authentification. Allowed values: stransferPubkey or sshpass.
ssh with different AUTH_TYPE:
sshpass -p "${REMOTE_SSH_PASSWORD}" ssh -p "${SSH_PORT}" -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=5 "${REMOTE_SSH_CONNECTION}"
ssh -p "${SSH_PORT}" -i "~/.ssh/stransfer" -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=5 "${REMOTE_SSH_CONNECTION}"
AUTH_TYPE isn't set:
ssh -p "${SSH_PORT}" -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=5 "${REMOTE_SSH_CONNECTION}"
If the public key authentification is necessary, check the option PubkeyAuthentication isn't set to no in the sshd configuration
REMOTE_SSH_PASSWORD - the password for ssh conection. It's used when AUTH_TYPE is set to sshpass
SSH_PORT - the port of the ssh connection, it's set to 22 by default
LOCAL_PATH - the files' transfering aim directory on the local server
REMOTE_PATH - the files' transfering source directory on the remote server
CLEAR_LOCAL_DIR - if it set to true (by default), a local directory is cleared before files transfer
LOCAL_DB_NAME - a database name on the current server
LOCAL_DB_USER - a user with permissions to the local database
LOCAL_DB_PASSWORD - the local database user password
REMOTE_DB_NAME - a database name on the remote server
REMOTE_DB_USER - a user with permissions to the remote database
REMOTE_DB_PASSWORD - the remote database user password
LOCAL_DUMP_PATH - a temporary local directory for database dump
REMOTE_DUMP_PATH - a temporary remote directory for database dump
When the script is running, select the operation in the main menu:
- Create a rsa public key and add it to the remote server
It tries to create and add ssh public key to remote server using ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id. Created key is named stransfer and has not got a password. This key will be used when you set the option AUTH_TYPE to stransferPubkey. - Copy files from the remote server (rsync or scp)
Copy files from REMOTE_PATH to LOCAL_PATH using TRANSFER_METHOD. - Copy database from the remote server
Create a database dump in the remote server then copy and import it to local database. Now only mysql is supported so it uses mysqldump to a dump creation. Options LOCAL_DUMP_PATH and REMOTE_DUMP_PATH set directories to dump storage, both directories will be removed after the operation's finish. - Exit
Quit the script
Also you can run every step using the key -s:
sh -s addStransferPubKey -s copyFiles -s copyDatabase
When you create copy rsa public key (the operation #1 on the main menu) you can see the error message:
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found
Bad port 'exec sh -c 'cd; umask 077; test -d .ssh || mkdir .ssh ; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys && (test -x /sbin/restorecon && /sbin/restorecon .ssh .ssh/authorized_keys >/dev/null 2>&1 || true)''
The reason may be that you use the old openssh version and the syntax of ssh-copy-id was changed. Try to set the variable OLD_SSH_VERSION to true and repeat the operation.
In contrast, if you see a message:
Usage: /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id [-h|-?|-f|-n] [-i [identity_file]] [-p port] [[-o <ssh -o options>] ...] [user@]hostname -f: force mode -- copy keys without trying to check if they are already installed -n: dry run -- no keys are actually copied -h|-?: print this help
it means you have a modern version of ssh, but the variable OLD_SSH_VERSION is set to true.