Version 0.11 Author: Vince Loschiavo
This product is made available subject to the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
MD5SUM: 9f780c06c7cbec1745b01413506ab56a
Linux: -Perl (comes standard with most distributions) -Additional Perl Modules required - Use CPAN (CPANPLUS) to install non-standard packages: Sort::Key::IPv4 NetAddr::IP IO::Socket::INET Time::HiRes XML::Simple
usage "cpanplus -i PACKAGE::Name"
Windows: -Perl -Tested with: Activestate Perl: -Additional Perl Modules are required -Activestate Perl comes with CPAN, use this to install the additional modules At a command prompt: "cpan" (this will auto install any necessary components (compiler, etc). from the "cpan>" prompt install the additional modules like so: "cpan> install Sort::Key::IPv4" "cpan> install NetAddr::IP" "cpan> install IO::Socket::INET" "cpan> install Time::HiRes" "cpan> install XML::Simple"
This will install any necessary prerequisites.
Other requirements:
-At least one Cisco IP Phone with the web page enabled
-A *nix or Windows machine with a Perl interpreter installed. is one such example.
-A list of IP addresses of your phones.
This can be obtained in a variety of ways....the simplest is a copy and paste from CCMADMIN
Alternatively: "show ephone | redirect tftp://yourtftpserverip/inputfilename.txt"
-Network Connectivity to your phones.
CIPIT now has built in help. -h --help
Thank you for using CIPIT.
Feel free to examine the code and offer suggestions to the author. + @ gmail d0t com Vince Loschiavo