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Update #35

Workflow file for this run

# This is the basic use-case, which generates both the coverage
# and branches coverage badges storing them in the default directory,
# .github/badges. The workflow runs on pushes, pull requests, and can
# be run manually (the workflow_dispatch event).
# It performs the following steps:
# 1) It starts with a checkout.
# 2) Sets up Java for JDK 11 (change details if you
# use a different Java version).
# 3) Builds the project with mvn package. Note that package
# includes the test phase. If you just want to build and test,
# then change package to test. Jacoco is configured to run
# during the test phase, so either one is sufficient for the
# purposes of this example.
# 4) Runs the jacoco-badge-generator to generate both the
# coverage and branches coverage badges to the default directory
# which is .github/badges. That directory will be created if it
# doesn't exist.
# 5) Logs the coverage and branches coverage to the workflow's output
# for inspection in the event the workflow fails prior to committing
# badges.
# 6) Commits and pushes the badges. Note that there are actions that you
# can use for this step instead if you wish. In this example, we just
# use a simple command line script. It sets the committer to the
# GitHub Actions bot. Also notice that this step is conditional and
# only runs if the workflow was triggered by a push or workflow_dispatch,
# and not by a pull request. Why? Well, for one, the workflow will be
# in a detached head state if triggered by a pull request. Additionally,
# you may or may not choose to merge a pull request, and should only really
# update the coverage badges if you choose to accept the changes by merging
# the pull request, at which point this will be handled by the push that
# occurs with the merge.
# 7) The last step uploads the JaCoCo reports as a workflow artifact.
# In this way, if you want to inspect the details, you can do so
# via the actions tab of your repository. That step essentially attaches
# a zip of the JaCoCo report directory to the workflow run. You can download
# it manually from the page for the workflow run. GitHub automatically
# deletes these after 90 days.
# A Few Notes:
# If your main branch is protected and includes either required checks or
# required reviews, then the push step will fail (this is true even if you
# use one of the available actions for pushing). To get around this, one
# option is to see GitHub's documentation on using a personal access token (PAT)
# with the actions/checkout step. However, some of the other workflows in this
# directory provide alternatives that do not require additional access.
name: build
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up JDK 11
uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: 'adopt'
java-version: '11'
- name: Build with Maven
run: mvn --batch-mode verify
- name: Generate Jacoco Badge
id: jacoco
uses: cicirello/jacoco-badge-generator@v2
generate-branches-badge: true
- name: Log coverage percentage
run: |
echo "coverage = ${{ steps.jacoco.outputs.coverage }}"
echo "branches = ${{ steps.jacoco.outputs.branches }}"
- name: Commit and push
if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
run: |
cd .github/badges
if [[ `git status --porcelain *.svg` ]]; then
git config --global 'github-actions'
git config --global '41898282+github-actions[bot]'
git add *.svg
git commit -m "Autogenerated JaCoCo coverage badge" *.svg
git push
- name: Upload Jacoco coverage report
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: jacoco-report
path: target/site/jacoco/