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An implementation of the Plantbreeding API using the Python language and the Django web framework


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A Python+Django implementation of BrAPI


This project implements the Plantbreeding API using the Python language and the Django web framework. See for more information about BrAPI.


This is a working but not yet complete implementation of BrAPI. As soon as the BrAPI itself becomes stable and complete and a full test data set is made available the sources can be easily upgraded.


Vid Podpečan ([email protected])
Jožef Stefan Institute & National Institute of Biology


The code is licensed under the GPLv3 lincense.

How to set up Django BrAPI

This manual describes the installation and configuration of the BrAPI Django application on a modern Linux system, e.g. Ubuntu 16.04.


  1. Postgres
  2. Nginx
  3. Python 3.5+
  4. pip
  5. uWSGI
  6. python packages listed in requirements.txt

Please consult the corresponding documentation about how to install these requirements on your system. Note that on Ubuntu systems you will also have to install packages such as python3-dev, python-pip, etc. The described steps are to be performed only at the first installation. All subsequent updates of the project code are very simple as explained at the end of this manual.

Development installation

If you only need a development installation of Django BrAPI, you can skip the installation of Postgres, Nginx and uWSGI. You will only have to modify your to use a SQLite database:

import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'databases', 'db.sqlite3'),

and install all Python packages (see the instructions below). Then, create the database, launch the development server and visit

cd /srv/django-projects/brapi
source brapi-venv/bin/activate
python makemigrations
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver

Database configuration

  1. Launch psql

    sudo -u postgres psql
  2. Create a database user named e.g., django and pick a password:

    CREATE USER django WITH PASSWORD 'password';
  3. Create a database called brapi:

  4. Grant the user django create db privileges and set ownership, ensure utf-8 encoding and configure few other parameters:

    ALTER DATABASE brapi OWNER TO django;
    ALTER ROLE django SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
    ALTER ROLE django SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
    ALTER ROLE django SET timezone TO 'UTC';

Project configuration

  1. Clone the project to some folder, e.g., /srv/django-projects/brapi, set permissions and set up a virtual environment. You will have to know the user and group the Nginx server is using, e.g., nobody:nobody on Slackware Linux and www-data:www-data on Ubuntu. We will assume www-data:www-data as the user and group and that we are logged in as user someuser (please change these values according to your situation in the instructions below).

    # make folder, download project sources, set permissions
    cd /srv
    sudo mkdir django-projects
    sudo chown -R someuser:www-data django-projects
    git clone django-projects/brapi
    sudo chown -R someuser:www-data django-projects
    sudo chown -R www-data django-projects/brapi/media_root
    # add user to nginx's group
    sudo usermod -a -G www-data someuser
    # create and activate virtual environment
    cd /srv/django-projects/brapi
    python3 -m venv brapi-venv
    source brapi-venv/bin/activate
    # install all project requirements and gather static files
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python collectstatic
  2. Copy the into and edit according to your needs

    cd /srv/django-projects/brapi/brapi

    You will have to provide your Postgres credentials and set the database engine to psycopg2. For example:

        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
            'USER': 'django',
            'NAME': 'brapi',
            'PASSWORD': 'password',
            'HOST': 'localhost',
            'PORT': ''

    You will also have to add your server name to the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable, e.g.

    ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['']

    You may use ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] but in this case you are responsible to provide your own validation of the Host header to help against HTTP Host header attacks.

  3. Build the application database and create a Django admin account

    cd /srv/django-projects/brapi/brapi
    source brapi-venv/bin/activate
    python makemigrations
    python migrate
    python createsuperuser

Web server

  1. Copy your nginx.conf.sample into nginx.conf and edit according to your settings. In general, you will only need to modify the server name and directory names.

    cd /srv/django-projects/brapi/conf
    cp nginx.conf.sample nginx.conf
    nano nginx.conf
  2. Link the configured nginx.conf project file into your system's nginx sites folder, e.g. /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ on Ubuntu (or /etc/nginx/conf.d on Slackware) where it will be automatically loaded when Nginx starts.

    cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
    sudo ln -s /srv/django-projects/brapi/conf/nginx.conf
  3. Restart Nginx by typing

    sudo service nginx restart

    on Ubuntu Linux or

    sudo /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart

    on Slackware Linux and test your configuration by visiting http://localhost. If you see the 502 Bad Gateway page it means that Nginx is working and you should proceed to the next step to configure the application server. The error message simply tells you that Nginx forwarded the request which was then not handled by the application server.

  4. If you have an active firewall you may need to allow Nginx to communicate on ports 80 and 443. On Ubuntu systems use the following command:

    sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'

Application server

We will use the uWSGI applicaton server to serve the requests comming to our Django application from our Nginx HTTP server.

  1. First, copy your uwsgi.ini.sample into uwsgi.ini and edit according to your settings. Note that if you are using the suggested directory and socket file locations there is no need to change the default configuration.

    cd /srv/django-projects/brapi/conf
    cp uwsgi.ini.sample uwsgi.ini
    nano uwsgi.ini
  2. Run the uWSGI server

    sudo uwsgi --ini /srv/django-projects/brapi/conf/uwsgi.ini --uid www-data --gid www-data

    and test the configuration by visiting http://localhost/admin

  3. If you want to start uWSGI at boot simply add the command to your rc.local script.

For a better integration with your system's services manager please consult the official uWSGI documentation: If your Linux uses systemd (as newer Ubuntus do), you can set up uWSGI as a system service and configure the emperor as described here:

  1. Create a systemd service file /etc/systemd/system/emperor.uwsgi.service:

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/emperor.uwsgi.service

    with the content:

    Description=uWSGI Emperor
    ExecStart=/root/uwsgi/uwsgi --ini /etc/uwsgi/emperor.ini
    # Requires systemd version 211 or newer
  2. Create the emperor.ini file:

    sudo nano /etc/uwsgi/emperor.ini

    with the content:

    emperor = /etc/uwsgi/vassals
    uid = www-data
    gid = www-data        
  3. Link your uwsgi.conf into the vassals directory:

    cd /etc/uwsgi/vassals    
    sudo ln -s /srv/django-projects/brapi/conf/uwsgi.ini brapi.uwsgi.ini
  4. Run the emperor service:

    sudo systemctl start emperor.uwsgi.service

    and check its status:

    sudo systemctl status emperor.uwsgi.service

How to update an existing installation

Updating a working installation is easy. The following steps are required:

  1. Get the updates

    cd /srv/django-projects/brapi
    git pull
  2. Apply database migrations (if any)

    cd /srv/django-projects/brapi/brapi
    source brapi-venv/bin/activate
    python makemigrations
    python migrate
  3. Restart uWSGI and nginx:

    sudo systemctl restart emperor.uwsgi.service
    sudo service nginx restart

Database backup and restore


To create a backup of the whole brapi database you can use the pg_dump utility:

sudo -u postgres pg_dump --clean brapi | gzip > brapi-db-backup.gz

To restore from a backup archive into a brapi database use psql:

sudo -u postgres gunzip -c filename.gz | psql brapi

After the restoration make sure that the django user owns the brapi database:

sudo -u postgres psql

When restoring from a backup archive into a clean new system, first make sure that the django user exists and has enough privileges:

sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE USER django WITH PASSWORD 'password';
ALTER ROLE django SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE django SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
ALTER ROLE django SET timezone TO 'UTC';

How to update Django BrAPI to a new BrAPI specification

In general, only minor updates are expected, e.g., field renaming, type changes, add tables, etc. This means that very little work is required to update Django BrAPI to the new version.

The following steps should be followed:

  1. Update Django BrAPI Models in jsonapi/ Add new fields, rename, change type, add classes, etc.

  2. Migrate your changes into the database:

    cd /srv/django-projects/brapi
    source brapi-venv/bin/activate
    python makemigrations
    python migrate
  3. Update Django BrAPI serializers in jsonapi/ Change name, add class, etc. You can reuse most of the code as the pattern is always the same.

  4. Update Django BrAPI views in jsonapi/ This is the most time consuming step. Typically, you will have to write a new class which will handle the request parameters and retrieve objects from the database. Again, the majority of the new code can be reused from other view classes which already implement all possible API call variants and options.

  5. If required, update the jsonapi/ by adding a new url pointing to a newly created view class.


An implementation of the Plantbreeding API using the Python language and the Django web framework







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