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インスペクト - Inspecto

Chrome Extension

Inspecto is a Google Chrome extension designed to simplify CSS analysis on a webpage.

CSS Inspector Screenshot

Key Features

  • DOM Inspection: Allows you to examine CSS details of specific elements directly from the browser.


  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies with Yarn:
    yarn install
  3. Start the development environment:
    yarn dev
  4. Create a production build:
    yarn build
  5. Load the extension in Chrome:
    • Go to chrome://extensions/
    • Enable "Developer mode"
    • Click "Load unpacked" and select the generated dist folder.

Available Scripts

Scripts can be run using Yarn:

  • Development:

    yarn dev

    Starts the development environment with Vite.

  • Build:

    yarn build

    Generates the production build.

  • Clear:

    yarn clear

    Clean local dist folder.

Project Structure

  • assets/: Static resources such as images and icons.
  • config/: Additional configuration files.
  • public/: Static files not processed by the bundler.
  • scripts/: Utility scripts for automation.
  • src/: Source code for the extension.

Main Dependencies

  • React (^18.3.1) and React DOM (^18.3.1) for UI management.
  • Sass (^1.83.1) for advanced styling.
  • webextension-polyfill (^0.12.0) for cross-browser compatibility.
  • vite-plugin-static-copy (^2.2.0) to manage static files.


  • Node.js: >= 20.18.x
  • Package Manager: Yarn (v4.5.0)


This project is released under the MIT license. You are free to use, modify, and redistribute it under the terms of the license.


Created by Vittorio Scaperrotta.


Contributions, bug reports, and suggestions are welcome! Open an issue or submit a pull request in the repository.


Refer to the file for details on the privacy policy.


Check the file for a list of planned features and tasks.