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Merge pull request #2 from vyPal/v2
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Complete rewrite of CaffeineC lexer, parser and compiler
  • Loading branch information
vyPal authored Dec 19, 2023
2 parents 07648ec + 7224dd9 commit facff67
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Showing 35 changed files with 3,840 additions and 2,026 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,4 +25,6 @@
# vendor/


29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions CFFC.tmLanguage.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"scopeName": "source.cffc",
"patterns": [
"match": "\\b(var|extern|func|class|if|for|while|return|private|import|from|export|break|continue|new|true|false)\\b",
"name": "keyword.control.cffc"
"match": "\\b([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)\\b",
"name": "constant.numeric.cffc"
"match": "\"[^\"]*\"",
"name": "string.quoted.double.cffc"
"match": "\\b([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\\b",
"name": "identifier.cffc"
"match": "(\\*|/|%|=|<|>|!|\\+|-)",
"name": "operator.cffc"
"match": "\\b(h|m|s|ms|us|ns)\\b",
"name": "keyword.time.cffc"
87 changes: 31 additions & 56 deletions EBNF.ebnf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,56 +1,31 @@
program ::= statement* functionDeclaration*

statement ::= variableDeclaration
| assignmentStatement
| expressionStatement
| sleepStatement
| caffeineStatement
| printStatement
| goStatement
| functionCallStatement

variableDeclaration ::= "var" identifier ":" type ( "=" expression )? ";"

assignmentStatement ::= identifier "=" expression ";"

expressionStatement ::= expression ";"

sleepStatement ::= "sleep" expression ";"

caffeineStatement ::= "caffeinate" expression ";"

printStatement ::= "print" expression ";"

goStatement ::= "async" identifier "(" argumentList? ")" ";"

functionDeclaration ::= "func" identifier "(" parameterList? ")" (":" type)? "{" statement* "}"

functionCallStatement ::= identifier "(" argumentList? ")" ";"

expression ::= term (("+" | "-") term)*
| functionCall

term ::= factor (("*" | "/") factor)*

factor ::= number
| identifier
| "(" expression ")"
| stringLiteral
| durationLiteral

functionCall ::= identifier "(" argumentList? ")"

number ::= digit+ ("." digit+)? (("e" | "E") ("+" | "-")? digit+)?

stringLiteral ::= "\"" .*? "\""

durationLiteral ::= number ("ns" | "us" | "ms" | "s" | "m" | "h")

identifier ::= letter (letter | digit | "_")*

type ::= "int" | "float64" | "string" | "bool"
| "[]" type | "chan" "<" type ">" | "duration"

argumentList ::= expression ("," expression)*

parameterList ::= variableDeclaration ("," variableDeclaration)*
Program = Statement* .
Statement = ((?= "var" <ident>) VariableDefinition? (";" | "\n")?) | ((?= <ident> ("." <ident>)* "=") Assignment? (";" | "\n")?) | ((?= "extern" "func") ExternalFunctionDefinition? (";" | "\n")?) | ((?= "private"? "static"? "func") FunctionDefinition?) | ((?= "class") ClassDefinition?) | ((?= "if") If?) | ((?= "for") For?) | ((?= "while") While?) | ((?= "return") Return?) | ((?= "private"? <ident> ":" <ident>) FieldDefinition?) | ((?= "import") Import?) | ((?= "from" <string> "import" "{") FromImportMultiple?) | ((?= "from" <string> "import") FromImport?) | ("export" Statement? (";" | "\n")?) | ("break" (";" | "\n")?) | ("continue" (";" | "\n")?) | Expression .
VariableDefinition = "var" <ident> ":" ("*"? <ident>) ("=" Expression)? .
Expression = Comparison OpExpression* .
Comparison = Term OpComparison* .
Term = Factor OpTerm* .
Factor = Value | ((?= "new") ClassInitializer) | ("(" Expression ")") | ((?= <ident> "(") FunctionCall) | ((?= <ident> ("." <ident>)+ "(") ClassMethod) | Identifier .
Value = <float> | <int> | ("true" | "false") | <string> | (<int> ("h" | "m" | "s" | "ms" | "us" | "ns")) .
ClassInitializer = "new" <ident> "(" ArgumentList ")" ";" .
ArgumentList = (Expression ("," Expression)*)? .
FunctionCall = <ident> "(" ArgumentList ")" ";" .
ClassMethod = Identifier "(" ArgumentList ")" ";" .
Identifier = <ident> ("." Identifier)* .
OpTerm = ("*" | "/" | "%") Factor .
OpComparison = (("=" "=") | ("<" "=") | "<" | (">" "=") | ">" | ("!" "=")) Term .
OpExpression = ("+" | "-") Comparison .
Assignment = Identifier "=" Expression .
ExternalFunctionDefinition = "extern" "func" <ident> "(" (ArgumentDefinition ("," ArgumentDefinition)*)? ")" (":" ("*"? <ident>))? .
ArgumentDefinition = <ident> ":" ("*"? <ident>) .
FunctionDefinition = "private"? "static"? "func" <ident> "(" (ArgumentDefinition ("," ArgumentDefinition)*)? ")" (":" <ident>)? "{" Statement* "}" .
ClassDefinition = "class" <ident> "{" Statement* "}" .
If = "if" "(" Expression ")" "{" Statement* "}" ("else" "if" ElseIf)* ("else" "{" Statement* "}")? .
ElseIf = "else" "if" "(" Expression ")" "{" Statement* "}" .
For = "for" "(" Statement Expression ";" Statement ")" "{" Statement* "}" .
While = "while" "(" Expression ")" "{" Statement* "}" .
Return = "return" Expression ";" .
FieldDefinition = "private"? <ident> ":" <ident> ";" .
Import = "import" <string> ";" .
FromImportMultiple = "from" <string> "import" "{" Symbol ("," Symbol)* "}" ";" .
Symbol = <string> ("as" <string>)? .
FromImport = "from" <string> "import" <string> ("as" <string>)? ";" .

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