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Latest versions proposal for leveled specifications

Denis Ah-Kang edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 46 revisions

For latest on versioning, see Version Management in W3C Technical Reports.

Prior work

We are implementing the following:

  • /TR/shortname/ed/: editor's draft (outside the /TR space) associated with the document returned by /TR/shortname/upcoming/
  • /TR/shortname-N/ still points to the latest published version of the level N. /TR/shortnameN/ may be used instead.
  • /TR/shortname/all: generated cover page with list of the different versions
  • /TR/shortname/upcoming/:
    • the latest version of the highest level not obsoleted/rescinded/retired
    • the obsoleted/rescinded/retired document
  • /TR/shortname/latest/: points to the first document in the following list:
    • the highest level being a CR, a PR, or a REC that is not obsoleted or rescinded
    • the highest level being a Note if not retired
    • the lowest level being a WD
    • the obsoleted REC or the rescinded REC
    • the retired Note
  • /TR/shortname/: The WG decides whether it should point to the upcoming or latest versions.

Those algorithms are ignoring outdated drafts (ie drafts that got a new dated version).

This should give enough flexibility to the WGs while normalizing a few links in the TR space.

In terms of redirects, we would have a proxy for /TR/shortname/, /TR/shortname-n/, /TR/shortname/upcoming/ and /TR/shortname/latest/. Only /TR/shortname/ed/ will actually redirect (307) to the editor's draft. See also List of redirects


For legacy reasons, some shortlinks need to point to a specific REC instead of the highest level REC. Although that's possible, we expect this to happen to only a very small set of specifications. Here's the current specifications in that case:

  • xml-names
  • xpath

Example with the CSP specifications

CSP1 is a Working Group Note. CSP2 is a Recommendation. CSP3 is a Working Draft. This would imply the following latest version links:

  • /TR/CSP/upcoming/ returns the same document as /TR/CSP3
  • /TR/CSP/latest/ returns the same document as /TR/CSP2
  • /TR/CSP/ returns the same document as /TR/CSP/upcoming (following the choice of the Working Group)
  • /TR/CSP/ed/ redirects to the CSP3 editor's draft, ie


Ideas that were abandoned:

  • ABANDONED /TR/shortname/rec/: points to the latest published REC of the highest level. If none exists, it returns a 404. If one used to exist, it returns 410 (eg if it has been rescinded).