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Content Author Modules Changelog
daniel-montalvo edited this page Sep 26, 2022
4 revisions
- Topic: Easy to Understand Language
- Teaching Ideas, third bullet -- Shortened last sentences for conciseness.
- Teaching ideas, last bullet -- Remove "for multilingual content" for conciseness.
- Topic: Headings
- Learning Outcomes, first bullet -- Changed "enables" to "enable".
- Learning outcomes, fourth bullet -- Changed to "describe the characteristics of accessible headings, including text, visual appearance, and markup" for conciseness.
- Teaching Ideas for topic, fourth bullet -- Changed "what" to "how".
- Topic: Paragraphs and Lists
- Learning outcomes for topic, second bullet -- removed "the" in "the item numbering".
- Topic: Orientation and Navigation
- Intro, second paragraph -- Changed to "Authoring tools may not produce accessible navigation and orientation methods. When this occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to make navigation and orientation methods accessible" For clarity.
- Teaching Ideas, third bullet -- Changed "are finished" to "have finished".
- Topic Labels
- Intro, second paragraph: Changed to "Authoring tools may not produce accessible labels. When this occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to make labels accessible", for clarity.
- Topic: Instructions
- Intro, second paragraph -- Changed to "Authoring tools may not produce accessible instructions. When this occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to make instructions accessible" ,for clarity.
- Learning outcomes for module, second bullet -- Changed "the form purpose" to "the purpose of the form"
- Teaching ideas, second bullet -- Changed "general timing instructions for the form" to "general timing advice on how long it takes to complete the form" for clarity.
- Teaching ideas, fourth bullet -- Added "starts" at the end of the sentence to clarify meaning.
- Topic: Error Messsages
- Intro, second paragraph -- Changed to "Authoring tools may not produce accessible error messages. When this occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to make error messages accessible", for clarity
- Corrected typos
- Topic: Informative Images
- Intro, first paragraph -- Changed to "Informative images convey information visually. Examples include icons, photos, graphs, and illustrations", to better illustrate the examples of informative images.
- Topic: Functional Images
- Teaching ideas, fourth bullet -- Changed "icons meaning" to "meaning of icons" for clarity.
- Topic: Functional Images
- Learning outcomes for topic, third bullet -- Added "people" after "help" to be more specific.
- Corrected typos.
- Topic Data Cells
- teaching ideas, first bullet -- Changed to "some screen readers announce the header cell before the data cell, others announce the header cell after the data cell" for clarity.
- Topic: Table Summaries and Descriptions
- Teaching Ideas, first bullet -- Changed "assistive technologies" to "screen readers" for consistency with previous topics.
- Corrected typos.
- Uncapitalized "deaf" as it is not used to address the community.
- Updated titles so that they are in sync with Content Author Modules
- Added "Next" to pagination bar in Designer Module 7: Rich Applications.
Changes after thorough review survey
- competencies for instructors
- "Accessible authoring tools" now links to ATAG Overview Page
- "WCAG 2" instead of "WCAG" added in SCs
- Changed "visual and non-visual perception and operation of" to "accessible"
Rationale: Make sure to cover all disabilities. - Changed "help" to "enable" to reinforce user needs
- Teaching ideas, throughout -- Changed "demonstrate assistive technology interaction" to "demonstrate the use of voice commands, keystrokes, and gestures for assistive technologies to ..." for clarity
- Teaching ideas, throughout -- "Some authoring tools let specify" -> "some authoring tools let content authors specify" for better grammar.
- Ideas to assess knowledge, throughout -- Changed scope to "a given authoring tool" instead of "an authoring tool of their choice".
Rationale: Most content authors don't choose their authoring tool. - Typos and other grammar fixes, including:
- Removed "for example" as own sentence where appropriate -- Changed to either "These include" or ", For example, ..." as needed.
- "Associate to" -> "associate with"
- Plural to singular -- "tables of contents" -> "a table of contents", "magnifying glasses" -> "a magnifying glass", etc.
- Second bullet under first paragraph -- Added "understand" in "demonstrate how accessible content enables people with disabilities to effectively understand and use websites and applications"
- Third bullet, first sub bullet under first paragraph -- Added "(including text passages as well as label and link text)" in bullet "text"
- Added explanatory paragraph before foundation prerequisites to clarify scope
- Intro, first bullet -- Added "visual presentation" to reflect current module content.
- Learning outcome, first bullet -- Added "visual presentation" to reflect current module content.
- Learning outcomes, third bullet -- Changed to "describe methods to provide the extended form for abbreviations and acronyms" to better align with content author's scope
- Learning outcomes, sixth bullet -- Split into sub bullets for clarity and easier readability.
- Instructor competencies -- Added SCs that apply based on changed to topic Visual Appearance.
- Topic: Easy to Understand Language
- Intro paragraph
- Deleted "some groups" as it added unnecessary complexity.
- Added "the" before "characteristics" for clarity.
- Learning outcomes, third bullet is now: "provide explanations for complex terms and jargon based on audience and context"
- Teaching ideas, first bullet -- Changed "a glossary of terms in the document" to "a glossary of terms in the resource or document" for better coverage of web-based resources.
- Teaching ideas, second bullet
- Added "when possible" at the end
- Teaching ideas, third bullet -- rewritten for clarity: "Provide text passages with clear, easy to read, and easy to understand language. Compare those passages with others that are overly complex and harder to understand. Demonstrate the use of readability tests and other checkers from authoring tools to provide editor suggestions on content readability. Emphasize that clear writing is essential for people with disabilities to effectively understand and use content, furthermore, it also benefits all users".
- Teaching ideas, last bullet -- rewritten for clarity: "Explain that assistive technologies need language indicators for the main language, as well as language indicators for any changes in language for multilingual content".
- Added idea to assess knowledge, last bullet, to better cover content language.
- Intro paragraph
- Topic: Titles and Link Text
- Intro, first paragraph -- Rewritten for clarity: "The page title is essential for some groups of people with disabilities to know the purpose of the page. The link text is crucial for those groups to know where the link lands".
- Intro -- Added a second paragraph: "Show examples of accessible page titles and link text. Explain that it is best practice to put unique and most relevant information first in page titles to favor readability and efficiency. For details, see Provide Informative, Unique Page Titles, and Make Link Test Meaningful".
- Teaching ideas, second bullet -- Removed "Explain that some tools may produce accessible content but may not be accessible themselves and vice versa". No mentioned in overview page.
- Teaching ideas, last bullet -- changed "user agents" to "browsers".
- Ideas to assess knowledge, first bullet -- added "and link text" to assessment scope. Combined with previous bullet three.
- Ideas to assess knowledge, third bullet -- Added new assessment: "practical — Have students visit a page with inaccessible title and link text. Ask students to identify inaccessible examples and to propose accessible alternatives for the inaccessible examples. Assess how students identify inaccessible titles and link text and propose accessible alternatives".
- Topic: Visual Appearance
- Rewritten to better cover visual aspects that content authors may contribute to, including sufficient contrast ratios, fonts that are easy to read, text spacing, text alignment, content grouping, and use of imagery to complement text content.
- Throughout -- "meaningful sequences" is qualified, such as in learning outcomes, fourth bullet, second sub bullet, to clarify meaning
- Throughout -- "headings and their corresponding rank levels" -> "heading hierarchies"
- Throughout -- "Tables of contents" -> "a table of contents"
- Learning outcomes, second bullet -- changed to "provide meaningful and consistent heading hierarchies for users to identify and navigate content sections" to clarify scope
- Competencies -- Added Content Author Module 1 Clear Content to student competencies.
- Topic: Headings
- Intro -- Reworded for clarity. "The heading hierarchy communicates the structure of web pages and documents. Headings enable people with disabilities to identify and navigate the different content sections. Explain different purposes of headings and how to include them".
- Learning outcomes, fourth bullet -- Rewritten for clarity: "describe the accessibility considerations when changing the default visual appearance of headings, including the potential inaccessibility of the selected custom visual appearance | the generated markup.
- Teaching Ideas, second bullet -- "Entitling" -> "identifying"
- Ideas to assess knowledge, last bullet -- Changed to: .
- Topic: Paragraphs and Lists
- Teaching ideas, first bullet -- added "Mention that different assistive technologies announce terms and descriptions of a definition list differently. Some may not support description lists".
- [New] Teaching ideas, third bullet -- "Refer back to Content Author Module 1: Clear content. Explain that structured lists favor readability of the content. Information provided using inline lists inside paragraphs is more difficult to understand".
- Ideas to Assess Knowledge, first bullet -- added "description lists" for consistency.
- Topic: Orientation and Navigation
- Intro, second paragraph -- To avoid potential inconsistencies when specifying different roles responsibilities, changed to: "Authoring tools may or may not produce accessible navigation and orientation methods. When the latter occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to specify the visual appearance of and interaction with these methods".
- Throughout -- Plural to singular: * "Tables of contents" -> "a table of contents", "links" -> "a link", "back to top links" -> "a back to top link".
- Throughout -- "navigate content" -> "navigate through content" for better grammar.
- [TBD] Update changed keyboard references
- "long passages of content" -> "long passages of text"
- Teaching ideas, first bullet -- "where they are" -> "the overall structure" for clarity
- Ideas to assess knowledge, second bullet -- "resource" -> "article" for clarity
- Teaching resources -- Added Page Structure (WAI Web Accessibility Tutorials)
- Intro, first bullet -- added "error messages"
- Learning outcomes, first bullet -- added "error messages"
- Learning outcomes, fourth bullet is now: "include instructions about expected input types and formats"
- Learning outcomes, fifth bullet is now: "write clear guidance for a multi-step process, including instructions about the current step and orientation about the total number of steps"
- Topic: Labels
- Intro, second paragraph -- To avoid potential inconsistencies when specifying different roles responsibilities, changed to: "Authoring tools may or may not produce accessible labels. When the latter occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to specify the text and appearance of the label as well as to associate the label with its corresponding control".
- Teaching ideas, first bullet -- Added bit for authors to avoid the use of placeholder text and to have labels persistently visible on the page. Explain that several groups of users require labels that are persistently visible on the page. Content authors should avoid the use of placeholder text that disappears when the user gets to the form field or control. Show how successful form interaction becomes difficult or impossible when labels are not accessible".
- Teaching ideas, second bullet -- Reinforced collaboration between different team members: "Emphasize that providing accessible labels requires collaboration between different team members, including designers, developers, and content authors".
- Teaching ideas, third bullet -- Streamlined for clarity.
- Topic: Instructions
- Intro, first paragraph -- changed "orientation" to "information"
- Intro, second paragraph -- To avoid potential inconsistencies when specifying different roles responsibilities, changed to: "Authoring tools may or may not produce accessible instructions. When the latter occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to specify the text and appearance of the instructions as well as to implement the instructions".
- Learning outcomes, fourth bullet -- changed "orientation" to "information".
- Teaching ideas, first bullet -- Reinforced collaboration between different team members: "Emphasize that providing accessible instructions requires collaboration between different team members, including designers, developers, and content authors".
- Teaching ideas, first bullet -- Reinforces collaboration between different team members: "Emphasize that providing accessible instructions requires collaboration between different team members, including designers, developers, and content authors".
- Teaching ideas, fourth bullet -- "as well as" -> "or"; "security and purpose" -> "security or purpose"
- Teaching ideas, fifth bullet -- deleted "about" before "the total number of steps"
- Ideas to assess knowledge, first bullet -- "for" -> "of"
- Topic: Error messages
- Intro, first paragraph -- "and correct their submission" -> "and, if possible, correct it".
- Intro, second paragraph -- To avoid inaccuracies when specifying different roles responsibilities, changed to: "Authoring tools may or may not produce accessible error messages. When the latter occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to specify the appearance of the error messages as well as to implement the error messages".
- Teaching ideas, second bullet
- Changed "Demonstrate" to "Have students" for more active learning.
- Added "or purpose"
- Teaching resources:
- Throughout: changed brackets to dashes where appropriate for definitions
- Competencies: added prior modules to students competencies
- Topic: Informative images
- Intro, first paragraph -- Rewritten for clarity: "Informative images convey information visually, for example through a picture or illustration. They require a short, clear description provided in the image text alternative or through the adjacent text".
- Intro, second paragraph -- Established the relation between informative and decorative images: "When images do not convey information, they are marked as decorative with an empty alternative text".
- Learning outcomes, third bullet -- "textual information" -> "text content"
- Learning outcomes, last bullet -- rewritten sub bullets: "support the inclusion of alternative text for informative images", "support marking an image as decorative", "enable authors to amend automatically generated text alternatives for quality and accuracy", "produce appropriate markup for informative and decorative images", "support different modalities of CAPTCHA, including visual, auditory, and biometrics"
- Teaching ideas, first bullet -- "Images" -> "text adjacent to the image"
- Ideas to assess knowledge, last bullet -- Changed for clarity: "Give students several pages containing the same image. Ask them to determine when the image is informative and when it is decorative. Assess what text students select for the informative images, as well as how students distinguish informative from decorative images based on context".
- Topic: Functional Images
- Intro -- Clarified examples: "a magnifying glass for search, an envelope for mail, and a printer for print functionality"
- Added teaching idea, third bullet -- "* Refer back to Content Author Module 1: Clear Content. Demonstrate the use of iconography to provide information and functionality. Explain that it is best practice to complement icons with text that helps people understand the icons meaning".
- Topic: Complex Images
- Intro
- Added "contained" before "in the image".
- Second sentence: "These images" -> "Complex images".
- Learning outcomes, second to last bullet -- now talks about data visualizations as visual alternatives only: "provide other graphical representations as alternative data visualizations for complex images"
- Teaching ideas, second bullet -- Added at the end: Emphasize that it is best practice to display instructions on how to get to the long descriptions on screen, as they are beneficial for all users."
- Intro
- Ideas to Assess Knowledge for Module -- first bullet: "The different ways to provide text alternatives" -> "how to provide text alternatives".
- Added teaching resource Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA
- Intro, first bullet -- "visual and non-visual identification of header and data cells" -> "visual and non-visual relations between the table cells" for clarity
- learning outcomes, second bullet -- Qualifies data visualizations as a visual alternative: "provide data tables as an alternative to data visualizations contained in charts, diagrams, and infographics".
- Learning outcomes, fifth bullet -- Reinforced message that layout tables should be avoided. Changed "collaborate with designers and developers to present multi-column content using CSS styles instead of layout tables" to "explain the accessibility considerations of using layout tables and avoid using layout tables when possible"
- Learning outcomes, last bullet -- "appropriate contrast ratio" -> "sufficient contrast ratios" to align with EOWG terminology.
- Topic: Table Header Cells
- Teaching ideas, first bullet -- Changed "assistive technologies" to "screen readers" for clarity.
- Teaching ideas, second bullet -- "the data the column or row contains" -> "the data in the column or row"
- Teaching ideas, third bullet -- "That information" -> "the headers scope".
- Topic: Table Data Cells
- intro -- Rewritten for clarity: "Table data cells contain the individual pieces of data that make up the table. Explain how clear and meaningful order and relations in tables help people with disabilities better understand the table contents".
- Learning outcomes, second bullet -- "information about a specific type of data" -> "specific pieces of data that make up the table"
- Learning outcomes, fourth bullet -- changed "meaningful sequence" to "order and relations" for clarity
- Learning outcomes, fifth bullet -- added "split complex tables into simpler ones to make the information easier to understand"
- Learning outcomes, sixth bullet -- Added "specify the scope for cells that span multiple rows or columns".
- Learning outcomes, last bullet -- split into sub bullets for more clarity
- Teaching ideas, first bullet -- Changed "assistive technologies" to "screen readers" for clarity.
- Teaching ideas, second bullet -- Rewritten for clarity: "Explain that data cells contain the specific pieces of data that make up the table. Explain that cells spanning multiple rows or columns are problematic for some people that have difficulty to understand the cell's scope".
- Added teaching ideas, third bullet -- "Show examples of complex tables. Demonstrate how to split them into simpler ones to make the information easier to understand".
- Simplified idea to assess knowledge, first bullet -- "what type of information data cells should contain" -> "what a data cell contains"
- Topic: Table Summaries and Descriptions
- Intro [[ Rewritten to explain that summaries explain the table purpose.
- Learning outcomes, second bullet -- Added "identify the table purpose".
- Teaching ideas, second bullet -- explain that table summaries identify the table purpose
- Teaching ideas, last bullet -- Added at the end: "Others may have just one "caption" field for both the summary and the description".
- Ideas to assess knowledge for module, first bullet -- changed to accommodate for data visualizations as only visual.
- Added tutorials, Tables (WAI Web Accessibility Tutorials).
- Changed brackets to dashes for definitions where appropriate
- Throughout -- "governmental" -> "government"
- Intro, first bullet -- Shortened out by removing alternatives
- Intro -- Second bullet now reads: "cover transcripts, description of visual information (also called audio description, video description, or described video), captions (also known as subtitles), and sign languages"
- Learning outcomes, second bullet, fourth sub bullet -- "additional" -> "separate"
- Learning outcomes, second bullet, five sub bullet -- "match the video and audio information when possible to help different groups of users understand the content" -> "provide redundancy for different sensory characteristics to help different groups of users understand the content" for better alignment with multimedia resource.
- Students competencies -- Added "Audio and video content creation"
- Instructor competencies: Added WCAG Success Criterion 1.4.7 Low or No Background Audio.
- Topic: Planning Audio and video Content
- Intro, First paragraph
- Removed "Explain that different types of audio and video content have different accessibility requirements based on governmental regulations and other policy requirements"
- Added Understand the User Needs and Experiences of People with Disabilities .
- Intro, second paragraph -- changed resource to Audio Content and Video Content. Was previously Planning Audio and Video.
- Learning outcomes, first bullet. Simplified first two sub bullets "audio/video" "live/prerecorded"
- Learning outcomes, last bullet -- "provide rationale for not including one or more alternatives to multimedia content" -> "explain why non-substantive audio and video content does not need alternatives" for better alignment with multimedia resource.
- Teaching ideas, first bullet -- Rewritten to underline the most relevant info.
- Added teaching idea, second bullet, to better cover user needs.
- Teaching ideas, third bullet -- added resource Audio Content and Video Content.
- Teaching ideas, fourth bullet -- Made shorter for clarity and because we already link to the Understanding document. * Teaching ideas, fifth bullet -- Streamlined and focused on planning.
- Updated Ideas to assess knowledge to reflect new learning outcomes wording and scope
- Intro, First paragraph
- topic: Transcripts
- Updated intro to cover user needs and explain how transcripts can be created easier.
- Learning outcomes, first bullet -- "ensure" -> "identify"
- Updated learning outcomes, second bullet and sub bullets for better alignment with multimedia resource.
- Learning outcomes, third bullet emphasizes to create descriptive transcripts when possible to cover all user needs.
- Teaching ideas, first bullet, explain that basic transcripts do not cover the user needs of those who cannot see and cannot hear
- Updated teaching ideas, second bullet, to better cover descriptive transcripts.
- Teaching ideas, third bullet -- "... they would include in basic and descriptive transcripts" -> "what information they would include in the transcript"
- Added teaching ideas, fourth bullet, and updated teaching ideas, fifth bullet, to cover interactive transcripts functionality.
- Ideas to assess knowledge, second bullet, now specifically asks to create a descriptive transcript, to better align with multimedia resource.
- Topic: Captions
- Learning outcomes, second bullet now reads: "ensure availability of accurate captions that match the language(s) of the spoken audio"
- Added learning outcomes, third bullet, for better alignment with multimedia resource.
- Rewritten teaching ideas, first bullet, for better alignment with multimedia resource.
- Teaching ideas, second bullet qualifies why automatically generated captions do not cover user needs and explain what to do if starting with automatically generated captions.
- Ideas to Assess Knowledge, second bullet -- Qualifies what to do if starting with automated captions.
- Topic: Description of Visual Information
- Rewritten based onShawn suggestions and +1s on GitHub