allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
implementation 'com.github.wangxinyu9005:ZKWebViewDemo:0.3'
Step 3 and step 4 are not required if the phone is equipped with WeChat and QQ. When WeChat and QQ is not installed on the phone, TBS will download the X5 kernel into the phone, and steps 3 and 4 are to solve the problem of networking.
if the phone is equipped with WeChat and QQ, The onViewInitFinished method returns true so that the SDK functions normally.
如果手机安装了微信和QQ, onViewInitFinished方法返回true, SDK就能正常使用了。
The following methods are executed in Application
QbSdk.PreInitCallback cb = new QbSdk.PreInitCallback() {
public void onViewInitFinished(boolean arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.e("TestZKWebView", "TestZKWebView onViewInitFinished is " + arg0);
public void onCoreInitFinished() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
QbSdk.setTbsListener(new TbsListener() {
public void onDownloadFinish(int i) {
public void onInstallFinish(int i) {
public void onDownloadProgress(int i) {
QbSdk.initX5Environment(getApplicationContext(), cb);