Apollo 11
We are Waylon & Nicole and our project is an app called StudyBuddy, where NUS students can find friends to study with. For this milestone, our app is still at a rudimentary stage, so you can only:
- sign in
- sign up
- create posts via the 'Create' tab
- view everyone's posts via the 'Home' tab
- toggle between the different tabs
Feel free to test out these features, and also apologies if it is not very user-friendly!
If needed, you can view our video demo here.
- Expo Go
- Firebase
- VS Code
- Nativewind
- Testers would need to install the latest version of Node.js. Download it from the official website as linked.
- macOS, Windows (Powershell and WSL 2), and Linux are supported.
- Clone the repo onto your local machine.
- Using terminal, go into the directory where the repo is located on your local machine
- Run the following command in your terminal.
npm install
This should install the dependencies required for the app to run
- To start running the app, run the command in your terminal.
npx expo start
A QR code should popup in your terminal.
- At this point, the tester can either download Xcode on their macOS system, download the Expo Go app on their mobile device or download Android Studio on their respective operating system.
- Xcode - With Xcode installed, after step 4, press i in the terminal to load the app into the Xcode ios simulator. The app should load onto the simulator. If it does not, refresh the server by pressing ‘r’ into the terminal.
- Expo Go - With Expo Go downloaded on your device, after step 4, scan the QR code above with Expo Go (Android) or the Camera app (iOS). This should load up the app on your respective device. If it does not, refresh the server by pressing ‘r’ into terminal.
- Android Simulator - With Android Simulator installed, after step 4, press a in the terminal to load the app into the android simulator. The app should load onto the simulator. If it does not, refresh the server by pressing ‘r’ into the terminal.
- We will send our .env file in the Orbital 2024 chat in the 'Computing Buddies - A' Topic, do download the file, rename it to ".env" and place it in the root folder.
- You should be all good to go!