W E B S M S . C O M P H P T O O L K I T
A lightweight PHP-client-library for using websms.com SMS services. Reduces the complexity of network-communication between client and SMS gateway, to help business-customer save time and money for focusing on their business logic.
Include WebSmsCom_Toolkit.inc into your PHP File in order to access the classes and methods for sending text and binary SMS.
// will need JSON.phps (Service_JSON) for PHP<5.2.0
include "WebSmsCom_Toolkit.inc";`
For PHP versions lower than 5.2.0 please make sure that JSON.phps is in the same directory as WebSmsCom_Toolkit.inc or install Services_JSON from PEAR.
or install with Composer
composer require websms-com/websmscom-php
See send_sms.php on how to send messages
Create sms client (once)
$smsClient = new WebSmsCom_Client($username, $pass, $gateway_url);
Create message
$message = new WebSmsCom_TextMessage($recipientAddressList, $utf8_message_text);
Send message
$Response = $smsClient->send($message, $maxSmsPerMessage, $test);
The documentation available as of the date of this release is included in send_sms.php and WebSmsCom_Toolkit.inc.
Question: Why do I get a CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST error?
`curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer accepts the value 1, value 2 will be used instead`
Answer: Just set $smsClient->setSslVerifyHost(2)
// 1.) -- create sms client (once) ------
$smsClient = new WebSmsCom_Client($username, $pass, $gateway_url);
- Version 1.0.9: Tested functionality with PHP 8.4.3; Fixes missing class property causing deprecation note on dynamic property.
- Version 1.0.8: Tested functionality with PHP 8.0.5, removes deprecated and unnecessary defaultValue for $pass argument in WebSmsCom_Client constructor
- Version 1.0.7: Restored compatibility to PHP 5.0.3+ (removes PHP7 style scalar type hinting)
- Version 1.0.6: Access token support
- Version 1.0.5: Composer / Packagist support
- Version 1.0.4: Throws WebSmsCom_ParameterValidationException on json_encode() errors to prevent body being 'null' or 'false'. Before this change an empty content body resulted in an API exception with status code 4120
- Version 1.0.3: Fixed setter setHttpClient and setSenderAddressType
- Version 1.0.2: Fixed error where long message content could not be sent because some curl/php versions set "Expect:" HTTP Header.
- Version 1.0.1: Fixed setter setMessageContent()
- Version 1.0.0: Basic text- and binary-sms-sending.
For any further questions into detail the contact-email is [email protected]