| | | | | _____ ___ / | _ __ ___
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This is some .NET Core code that will read the data from the MQTT feed coming from a Flukso device. It will send the output to the console or Azure Event Hubs, feel free to extend the code wherever needed.
I have created this to run on a Raspberry PI using Docker. You can find the deployment scripts for Azure in the Terraform folder. For development replace the values marked with ### in appsettings.json. The docker-compose.yml file contains the same settings for execution in the container.
Go to the Terraform folder and execute the following
az login
terraform init
terraform plan -out=out.tfplan
terraform apply out.tfplan
You can find the sensor id in your user settings on https://www.flukso.net/. Replace the values that are marked with ###.
version: '2.0'
image: wesback/fluksocore
restart: always
container_name: fluksocore
- FluksoServer:FluksoIP=###ipaddress###
- EventHubs:EHConnectionString=Endpoint=sb://###namespace###.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=###keyname###;SharedAccessKey=###key###
- EventHubs:EHEntityPath=###ehpath###
- Sensors:Electricity=###sensoride###
- Sensors:Water=###sensoridw###
- Sensors:Gas=###sensoridg###
- Output:Console=false
- Output:EventHubs=true
Now you can go ahead and add this as a service on your Raspberry PI.
cp fluksocore.service /etc/systemd/system
chmod 755 /etc/systemd/system/fluksocore.service
systemctl enable fluksocore.service
systemctl start fluksocore.service
systemctl status fluksocore.service