A collection of Research Objects for development and testing.
./ro.sh - editable file defines symbols for running ro-manager on local system. This is not included in the git index, so that each local system can maintain its own copy. A sample file from which a local copy of ro.sh may be derived is ro.sh.gk-eskarina
make.sh in the individual ROs do a "source ../../ro.sh".
Best practice is to add your .sh file here with a similar naming style
reflecting your username and hostname, then symlink on the local
ln -s ro.sh-stain-ralph ro.sh
./v0.1/ - ROs conforming to RO specification version 0.1
./v0.2/ - ROs conforming to RO specification version 0.2
This project is also published directly to the web via its gh-pages
branch, accessible at
To update the published datya from the master branch, assuming the master branch is locally up-to-date and fully committed:
git checkout gh-pages
git merge master
git checkout master
git push