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This adds a quick little script to test which mirrors support HTTP/1.1
Range Requests, which gives us some idea how useful things that rely on
that (like zchunk?) might be.
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wgwoods committed Aug 7, 2019
1 parent 3cba5b3 commit 1a1b384
Showing 1 changed file with 185 additions and 0 deletions.
185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@

import requests
import argparse
from urllib.parse import urlparse

def known_arch(a):
if a not in {'x86_64', 'i386', 'aarch64', 'armhfp', 'ppc64', 'ppc64le',
's390', 's390x'}:
raise ValueError("unknown arch '{}'".format(a))
return a

def country_code_list(a):
if a in {'none', 'default'}:
return None
if a in {'global', 'all', 'any'}:
return 'global'
countries = []
for cc in a.lower().split(','):
cc = cc.strip()
if len(cc) == 2:
raise ValueError("Invalid 2-letter country code '{}'".format(cc))
return ','.join(countries)

def parse_args():
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Check Fedora mirrors for HTTP/1.1 Range Request support",
Check support for HTTP/1.1 Range Requests (RFC7233) on a set of Fedora
mirrors by getting a list of mirrors for the given repo (default:
Fedora 29 x86_64) from MirrorManager, then trying to get part of
`repodata/repomd.xml` from each mirror.
p.add_argument("--version", "-v", type=int,
help="Fedora version to use (default: 29)",
p.add_argument("--arch", "-a", type=known_arch,
help="Arch to use (default: x86_64)",
p.add_argument("--country", "-c", type=country_code_list,
help="Location of mirrors to check (2-letter ISO code)",
p.add_argument("--mirrorlist", action='store_true', default=True,
help="Get plain-text mirrorlist (default)")
p.add_argument("--nomirrorlist", action='store_false', dest="mirrorlist",
help="Don't get the plain-text mirrorlist")
p.add_argument("--scrape", action='store_true',
help="Scrape the mirrormanager HTML for mirror URLs")
p.add_argument("--metalink", action='store_true',
help="Get metalink XML instead of plain-text mirrorlist")
return p.parse_args()

def getmirrorlist(version='29', arch='x86_64', repo='fedora', country='global'):
metalink_url = '{repo}-{version}&arch={arch}'
if country:
metalink_url += '&country={}'.format(country)
resp = requests.get(metalink_url.format(repo=repo, version=version, arch=arch))
return [line.strip() for line in resp.text.splitlines() if line.startswith('http')]

def getmetalinkmirrorlist(version='29', arch='x86_64', repo='fedora', country='global'):
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
metalink_url = '{repo}-{version}&arch={arch}'
if country:
metalink_url += '&country={}'.format(country)
resp = requests.get(metalink_url.format(repo=repo, version=version, arch=arch))
xml = ET.fromstring(resp.text)
ts = int(xml.find('.//{}timestamp').text)
mirrors = list(url.text for url in xml.iter('{}url'))
return (ts, mirrors)

def scrapemirrormanager(version='29', arch='x86_64'):
# This is gross but mirrorlist doesn't give us a full list so..
from html.parser import HTMLParser
class MirrorlistScraper(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._tagstack = list()
self._curhost = None
self._cursect = None
self._href = None
self._mirrors = dict()
self._row = 0
self._col = 0

def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if self._cursect:
if tag == 'a':
for name, val in attrs:
if name == 'href':
self._href = val
elif tag == 'br':
self._cursect = None

def handle_data(self, data):
# FIXME: this could be called in the middle of the data
curtag = self._tagstack[-1] if self._tagstack else ''
if curtag == 'td':
if self._col == 2:
self._curhost = data
self._mirrors[self._curhost] = dict()
elif self._col == 3:
if 'Fedora Linux' in data:
self._cursect = 'fedora'
# TODO: epel
elif curtag == 'a' and self._href:
self._mirrors[self._curhost][data] = self._href

def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag == 'tr':
self._row += 1
self._col = 0
self._cursect = None
self._curhost = None
elif tag == 'td':
self._col += 1
elif tag == 'a':
self._href = None

s = MirrorlistScraper()
r = requests.get('{}'.format(version))
repomd_path = '/releases/{}/Everything/{}/os/repodata/repomd.xml'.format(version, arch)
mirrors = [baseurl+repomd_path for host, proto in s._mirrors.items()
for scheme, baseurl in proto.items()
if baseurl.startswith("http")]
return mirrors

# TODO: try multipart request
# TODO: see if we can pipeline requests with Transfer-Encoding: chunked
# TODO: also check HTTP/2?
def supports_range_request(url):
rr = requests.get(url, headers={'Range':'bytes=0-31'})
rr_ok = (rr.status_code == 206 and len(rr.content) == 32)
httpver = rr.raw.version # (10 == HTTP/1.0, 11 == HTTP/1.1)
# mp = requests.get(url, headers={'Range':'bytes=16-24,28-31'})
#TODO: gotta parse multipart/byteranges response..
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
return None
return (rr.status_code == 206 and len(rr.content) == 32)

if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()
mirrors = []
if args.mirrorlist:
print("getting mirrorlist...")
m = getmirrorlist(version=args.version, arch=args.arch,
print("got {} mirrors".format(len(m)))
mirrors += m
if args.scrape:
print("scraping mirrormanager...")
m = scrapemirrormanager(version=args.version, arch=args.arch)
print("got {} mirrors".format(len(m)))
mirrors += m
if args.metalink:
print("getting metalink...")
m = getmetalinkmirrorlist(version=args.version, arch=args.arch,
print("got {} mirrors".format(len(m)))
mirrors += m
print("removing duplicates...")
http_mirrors = {u.netloc:u.geturl()
for u in (urlparse(m) for m in mirrors)
if u.scheme in ("http", "https")}
results = dict()
num_mirrors = len(http_mirrors)
print("{} hosts to check".format(num_mirrors))

for n, (host, url) in enumerate(http_mirrors.items(), 1):
print("[{:3}/{:3}] {}: ".format(n, num_mirrors, host), end='', flush=True)
if supports_range_request(url):
results[host] = True
results[host] = False

range_ok_count = sum(1 for r in results.values() if r)
print("{:3}/{:3} ({:.1%}) support Range requests!".format(range_ok_count, num_mirrors, range_ok_count/num_mirrors))

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