epics-web-proto is a prototype EPICS display manager that runs in a browser. It communicates over websockets to a server that interacts with the control system itself. It is based on React and Redux.
It can be packaged into a native application using Electron (see also here).
The goal is a control system web-application capable of displaying screens similar to existing applications, but with the following benefits: portability, platform agnosticism, scalability, no user installation, and server-side updating.
Some proposed use cases:
- UI available on phones and tablets
- Remote access to control system interfaces
- Machine status screens
- Public engagement
From the command line, enter the commands:
npm install
npm start
Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
From the command line, run:
npx electron .
To install the test dependencies:
npm install --dev
npm test
You can run the tests on every change:
npm run test:watch
- Webpack: Config located in 'webpack.config.js'
- Babel: Config located in '.babelrc'
- Jest: Config located in 'jest.conf.js'
- Eslint: Config located in './.eslintrc.js'
- Enzyme: Set up in 'setupTests.js'
React is an efficient way of updating web pages using its now-famous virtual DOM. It allows you to structure pages in terms of components, which are easy to reason about, test and re-use.
Flux: A design pattern created by Facebook. Key idea is unidirectional flow of data, allowing for easy debugging as there is a clear chain of actions leading to any error. We use ideas from Flux, but stop short of externalising all component state into a global store.
Redux: Redux is an implementation of Flux. This introduces the idea of a single, global store to hold your state. Reducers are used to return new data, based on the old data along with a new request to change it. This allows us to keep an immutable store.
See also https://devbutze.com/p/306.
The prototype should explore a number of areas that are likely to be challenging:
- layout: both absolute and standard CSS layout
- a native application using Electron
- styles: providing default and customisable styles
- loading from file:
- choosing a file format
- loading dynamically
- widgets:
- providing re-usable widgets
- using Semantic UI to provide widgets
- container widgets
- embedded displays
- alarm sensitivity
- composable features, such as borders
- rules for changing widget properties
- servers
- be able to work with different types of server
- local and sim PVs
- macros
- the interaction between local PVs and macros
There are no plans to provide embedded scripting.