Just a litle page on the intrawebs where I can broadcast and chat with friends. It's password protected because I am not paying royalties to stream music
- Icecast - https://icecast.org
- Node - https://nodejs.org
- Express - https://expressjs.com
- Socket.io - https://socket.io
- Redis - https://redis.io
- Amplitude.js - https://github.com/serversideup/amplitudejs
- Last.fm API - https://www.last.fm/api
- Feb 2016 - built and published @ http://radio.davidawindham.com
- stream running from http://stream.davidawindham.com (8008)
- 2021 - Icecast updated overwrote Icecast XML files - see: https://davidawindham.com/til/docs/host/Icecast
- May 2022 - Migrate to new server, reinstall Icecast, add SSL to stream, updated packages, and secure Redis.