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Self-Certification Test Bed for WBA RADIUS Accounting Assurance Project

This is a self-certification test bed for the WBA RADIUS Accounting Assurance Project.


This test bed is designed to run a series of RADIUS tests from a range of categories (see below). The focus of the tests is to verify that the RADIUS-based NAS is compliant with the RADIUS protocol and conforms to best practices. However, the primary goal of this test bed is to verify the usage data reported in accounting is accurate.

Basic Operation

This test bed will do the following:

  1. Control an end-to-end 802.1X/RADIUS authentication+accounting test, running a packet capture in the process.
  2. Get supplicant to transfer a large amount of data.
  3. Extract fields from the RADIUS packet capture (PCAP) to run a series of accounting tests. See below for test cases.


Markers are used to specify the tests to run against the PCAP. The following markers are currently used:

Test Category Marker Description
core core Basic RADIUS tests for RFC compliance
core core-upload Basic RADIUS tests for file upload
core core-download Basic RADIUS tests for file download
openroaming openroaming OpenRoaming tests

Getting Started

Raspberry Pi Initial Setup

  1. Download latest 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS Lite from here.
  2. Install Raspberry Pi OS Lite from Step 1 and complete out of box setup (see here for instructions).
  3. Clone this repository onto Raspberry Pi.
git clone
  1. Run all scripts from provisioning folder in order as root user.
for script in $(find provisioning/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.sh" | sort); sudo ./$script
  1. Proceed to Installation section below.


Make sure you have the required packages installed (see below). These should already be installed after completing the Getting Started section above.

  1. Python3
  2. Python virtualenv (optional but recommended)

Clone this repository and navigate to the root directory.

Create the virtual environment:

python3 -m venv env

Activate the virtual environment:

source env/bin/activate

Install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Starting the Test Bed

Via Graphical User Interface (GUI)

This command will start the Streamlit server on port 8080.

streamlit run --server.port 8080

Via Command Line Interface (CLI)

This command will start the test bed with default values. Use the --help option to see all available options.

python test <data_server_ip> <data_server_port>

Where data_server_ip and data_server_port are the IP and port to forward traffic through the AP network (System Under Test) to the data server on the Pi.

System Under Test (SUT)


The Test Bed will run a series of tests against the System Under Test (SUT). The SUT needs to be an Access Point and a backend network.


The SUT must do the following:

  1. Support an 802.1X wireless network. The SSID can be "raatest" but is configurable. The RADIUS server must be the IP of the wired interface of the test bed.
  2. Support a wired network.
  3. Provide DHCP access to both wireless and wired clients. A test bed static IP for wired side may be supported in a future release.
  4. Support port forwarding back to test bed. The test bed wireless client will connect to a data server. The data server IP and port are configurable.

Test Bed Physical Setup

  1. Connect ethernet port on test bed (Raspberry Pi) to a wired port on SUT network and wait for IP.
  2. On SUT, broadcast "raatest" or other SSID that belongs to the SUT's 802.1X wireless network.
  3. SSH into and start the test bed, see how to start script. You will need to configure the test bed before executing the test suite(s).

The diagram below shows the required connection to the SUT.

flowchart LR
    subgraph testbed [Test Bed - Raspberry Pi]
        eth[ETH Port]
        wlan[WLAN Port]
    subgraph sut [System Under Test]
        ap([Access Point])
        ap --> rs

Note: Wireless connection will be made during test execution.

Test Bed Architecture

Basic Operation

The Test Bed does the following:

  1. Connect to a wireless access point over 802.1X by SSID matching. The access point is part of the System Under Test (SUT).
  2. Act as a RADIUS server. The RADIUS client is the SUT and points to the Test Bed.
  3. Download or upload data.
  4. Execute one or more test suits against a PCAP of RADIUS records that is generated prior to test execution.
  5. Generate a test bundle containing test report and data files.


The following diagram shows the operation of the Test Bed.

flowchart LR
    subgraph output [Output]
    subgraph testbed [Test Bed]
        app--start/stop-->DataServer[Data Server]
        filebrowser[FileBrowser] --> output
    subgraph sut [System Under Test]
    ap[Access Point / Controller]
    dse[Data Server Endpoint]
    dsepf[Port Forward]
    dse --> dsepf
    app-.-dtw{{Data Transfer via Wi-Fi}}-.->dse
    dsepf---dt{{Data Transfer via Wired}}--->DataServer


Test Cases

Attribute Checks

Core Tests

Purpose is check RFC compliance through attributes.

Markers: core, core-upload, core-download

Test Cases for Attribute Checks

  1. Unique and persistent Acct-Session-Id in accounting sessions.
  2. Acct-Session-Id is persistent in authentication and accounting sessions.
  3. Start, Update, and Stop records are present in accounting session.
  4. One Start and Stop record (two Stops reporting different values?).
  5. Stop record is last message in accounting session
  6. Stop record contains highest usage fields.
  7. At least 3 Class attributes are echoed.
  8. Persistent CUI is echoed.
  9. Acct-Input-Gigaword rolls over.
  10. Acct-Output-Gigaword rolls over.

Accuracy Checks

Purpose is to verify reported attribute values are accurate.

Test Cases for Accuracy Checks

  1. Input tonnage is accurate.
  2. Output tonnage is accurate.
  3. Session duration is accurate.
  4. Input packet count is non-zero.
  5. Output packet count is non-zero.

Help Option


Use the --help option to see all available options when using command line.

python3 --help

All Possible Options

There are several options available to the user. The following is the help output:

usage: [-h] [--data_server_port DATA_SERVER_PORT] [--config CONFIG] [--markers MARKERS] [--interface INTERFACE] [--debug]
                 [--data_server_listen_port DATA_SERVER_LISTEN_PORT] [--local_output_directory LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE] [--chunks CHUNKS]
                 [--ssid SSID] [--sut_software SUT_SOFTWARE] [--sut_brand SUT_BRAND] [--sut_hardware SUT_HARDWARE] [--client_interface CLIENT_INTERFACE]
                 [--server_interface SERVER_INTERFACE] [--no_pcap] [--no_test] [--no_upload] [--no_download]
                 test_name data_server_ip

positional arguments:
  test_name             Name of the test to run
  data_server_ip        IP of the server to download data from

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data_server_port DATA_SERVER_PORT
                        Port of the server to download data from (default: 8000)
  --config CONFIG       Optional config file to get input from
  --markers MARKERS     Test Markers: core, core-upload, core-download, openroaming (default)
  --interface INTERFACE
                        Interface used to get data from (default: wlan0)
  --data_server_listen_port DATA_SERVER_LISTEN_PORT
                        default: 8000
  --local_output_directory LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
                        default: /usr/local/raa
  --chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE
                        default: 1024
  --chunks CHUNKS       Number of chunks to pull, default: 10
  --ssid SSID           default: raatest
  --sut_software SUT_SOFTWARE
                        Software info for System Under Test (SUT)
  --sut_brand SUT_BRAND
                        Brand of System Under Test (SUT)
  --sut_hardware SUT_HARDWARE
                        Hardware info for System Under Test (SUT)
  --client_interface CLIENT_INTERFACE
                        default: wlan0
  --server_interface SERVER_INTERFACE
                        default: eth0
  --no_pcap             Skip PCAP generation
  --no_test             Skip test case execution
  --no_upload           Do not upload chunks
  --no_download         Do not download chunks