aggis - describe what the given aggregate means
aggis [OPTIONS] ip_prefix[/prefix_length]
aggis [OPTIONS] aggregate #_of_nets
aggis [OPTIONS] aggregate - aggregate
aggis [OPTIONS] aggregate last_byte_of_prefix_value
aggis -h
aggis -v
Aggis is an IP range calculator which focuses on manipulating aggregates.
- -d, --dotted
Include dotted-decimal masks.
- -D, --inverted-dotted
Include inverted dotted decimal masks.
- -q, --quad
Always use dotted quad format.
- -l, --list
Expand only into a list of classful nets.
- -r, --ranges
Always use "host ranges" for expansions.
- -L, --list-ips
Expand into a list of classful ips only.
- -v, --version
Output aggis version.
- -h, --help
Display a synopsis of command options.
$ aggis 141.212 - 141.214
The range of nets from 141.212 to 141.214/16 can be represented by:
141.212/15 ( 2 nets: 141.212 - 141.213 )
141.214/16 ( 1 net: 141.214 )
$ aggis 141.212/18 - 216
The range of nets from 141.212.0 to 141.216.0/18 can be represented by:
141.212/14 ( 4 nets: 141.212 - 141.215 )
141.216.0/18 (16384 hosts: - )
$ aggis 141.212/18
141.212.0/18 is a subnet representing 1/4 of Class B network 141.212
Address Range -
This version of aggis was ported to Perl 5 from the most recent version discoverable on Google, RCS version 2.7 from 1994/11/18, committed by Dale Johnson.
In oldten times, aggis was available from, which was long gone by the time of the Perl 5 port. There was, apparently, a manual page, but it appears to be lost to the ages.
At the time, it was possible to run Aggis through Merit's whois server:
whois -h 'aggis 141.208.32/21'
but that host is also long gone.
Aggis was written by Dale Johnson, Merit ([email protected]) & Tony Bates, RIPE ([email protected]).
Perl 5 port by Rich Lafferty ([email protected]).