The module is an asyncio driven interface to nibe uplink public API. It is throttled to one http request every 4 seconds so try to make the most of your requests by batching requests.
Thanks to Joakim for the Nibe Uplink API module:
And thanks to David for the very good background information / howto page about how to use the Nibe Uplink API:
$ git clone
$ cd nibeuplink
$ sudo pip3 install .
Read this first:
Step 1 - Register your application on: You can use for callback URL:
Step 2 - Get an Authorization Code, fill in your Nibe Uplink API Identifier instead of [Identifier][Identifier]&scope=READSYSTEM&redirect_uri=
You will be redirected to
This redirect URL will be used in the next step!
Step 3 - Start the nibeuplink tool, which is already installed above
$ nibeuplink --client_id 'XXX' --client_secret 'YYY' --redirect_uri 'ZZZ'
Enter full redirect url:
NIBE Uplink API: Identifier
NIBE Uplink API: Secret
NIBE Uplink API: Callback URL
When you get the prompt Enter full redirect url:
Enter here the redirect URL from step 2, but WITHOUT the last part &state=STATE
The authorisation keys will be stored in the "nibeuplink.json" in the current directory. This will be used for the next time if you start the nibeuplink tool or the next code example.
Here is a working code example:
The module contains a commandline tool to test and request data from Nibe Uplink called nibeuplink
, it will store token information in a file in the current directory called nibeuplink.json
Help for utility
$ nibeuplink -h
Request all systems
$ nibeuplink --client_id 'XXX' --client_secret 'YYY' --redirect_uri 'ZZZ'
Request data for specific system
$ nibeuplink --client_id 'XXX' --client_secret 'YYY' --redirect_uri 'ZZZ' --system 12345
Request data for outside temp
$ nibeuplink --client_id 'XXX' --client_secret 'YYY' --redirect_uri 'ZZZ' --system 12345 --parameter 40004