snipPy is a lightweight system tray utility for making the last 30 entries of the system clipboard available for re-use in a simple UI. snipPy does not support networking of any kind, and the contents of the system clipboard are not saved outside the host device. The contents of snipPy are recorded internally and are cleared at application restart.
snipPy is written in Python v3.8.5, and relies on the following Python libraries for GUI support and access to the system clipboard:
The both pyperclip and PyQt5 are available within the libraries of PyPi, and may be
installed via the pip3
command. It is recommended that all all pip3
commands are
run from within a virtual environment.
$ pip3 install pyperclip
$ pip3 install PyQt5
Alternatively, the user may use the following command to install all dependencies
through the requirements.txt
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Installation instructions for Python3 may be found here.
Running snipPy may be accomplished several different ways, the most basic of which is simply invoking the command from the CLI as a background task:
$ python3
Although not already completed, instructions for creating standalone executables for Apple macOS, MS Windows, and Linux are below. The creation of such binaries is left as an excersise for the user.
- Apple macOS, via py2app
- MS Windows, via py2exe
- Linux, via pyinstaller
py2app, py2exe, and pyinstaller are available for download and installation via pypi.
An icon for use with standalone binaries created from this project is included in this repository, and is available for use via the MIT license. The icon and others in the icon set were designed by Cole Bemis, and may be viewed here.
Once running, snipPy waits for new text to be copied to the system clipboard. Once a text snippet is copied, it is displayed in the context menu of the snipPy system tray icon. Up to 30 snippets may be stored. Displayed snippets may be re-selected for use by simply clicking on an entry. This causes the selected text snippet to be placed at the top of the system clipboard so it may be immediately used. The current contents of the system clipboard are indicated in the context menu of snipPy are indicated by a checkmark icon.
This software is available for free use via the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). See LICENSE for more details.