This repository is the code that I created during the Udacity Feed Reader Testing project.
Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests.
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- RSS Feed
it('RSS Feeds are defined', function () {
// Check allFeeds variables are defined
// Check Array.lengh is 0
it('URL is defined and it is not empty', function () {
allFeeds.forEach(function (feed) {
//checks if URL is defined
//checks if URL is not empty
it('Has a name defined and this name is not empty', function () {
allFeeds.forEach(function (feed) {
//checks name is defined
//checks name is not an empty
- The menu
it('menu element is hidden by default', function () {
// Check the body element class is menu-hidden
it('visibility when the menu icon is clicked', function () {
// First Click
// When it clicks, body class should be not menu-hidden
// Second Click
// When second clicks, body class should be menu-hidden to close
- Initial Entries
beforeEach(function (done) {
loadFeed(0, function () {
it('there is at least a single .entry element within the .feed container', function (done) {
// PostLength Null Check
let postLength = $('.feed .entry')[0];
- New Feed Selection
beforeEach(function (done) {
loadFeed(0, function () {
beforeFeed = $('.feed .entry').html();
it('Content changes', function (done) {
loadFeed(1, function () {
// Compare with beforeFeed
expect($('.feed .entry').html()).not.toEqual(beforeFeed);
If you have some questions or issues about this repository please contact me with the Issue section.
This project is released under the MIT License. If you think there is a problem with this license, please file an issue through the Issue section.