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- python packages
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- biopython
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- matplotlib
- pandas
group | barcode_start | barcode_end | barcode_template | directory | reference | gene_info |
bc2081 | 5832 | 5869 | NNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNN | /path/of/directory/ | GUK1_PGJJ162.fa | bc2081.txt |
bc2082 | 4819 | 4856 | NNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNN | /path/of/directory/ | GUK1_PTB198.fa | bc2082.txt |
bc2083 | 4791 | 4828 | NNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNNNNATNN | /path/of/directory/ | GUK1_PH003.fa | bc2083.txt |
- The sample sheet must be a csv file and the header must be like below in the example
- For barcode association, you need everything in the field
- For variant coverer plot, you only need group, directory, reference
hGUK1_wt | 6256 | 591 |
yGUK1_wt | 6256 | 561 |
pGUK1_wt | 6256 | 597 |
- The gene info file must be a tsv file and in the directory according to the sample sheet
- The gene info file has no header
- The first column is the reference ID corresponding to the gene (check your reference fasta file)
- The second column is the start position of the gene in the reference
- The third column is the length of the gene
submit the bash script below
#BSUB -o %J.o
#BSUB -e %J.e
#BSUB -R "select[mem>1000] rusage[mem=1000]"
#BSUB -M 1000
#BSUB -q normal
# modules
module load HGI/common/nextflow/23.10.0
module load HGI/softpack/users/fs18/nf_longread
# user specify #
# LSF group
# Paths
export INPUTSAMPLE=$PWD/inputs/samplesheet.csv
export OUTPUTRES=$PWD/outputs
# pipelines #
nextflow run -resume nf_longread/main.nf --sample_sheet $INPUTSAMPLE \
--protocol DNA \
--platform hifi \
--outdir $OUTPUTRES \
nextflow run nf_longread/main.nf --sample_sheet "/path/of/sample/sheet"
Mandatory arguments:
--sample_sheet Path of the sample sheet
Optional arguments:
--outdir the directory path of output results, default: the current directory
--protocol DNA, cDNA, directRNA, default: DNA
--platform nanopore, pacbio, hifi, default: nanopore
Barcode Detection:
--mapq the mapping quality for filtering, default: 1
--qualcut the base quality in the barcode for filtering , default: 10
--numcut the number of low-quality bases in the barcode for filtering, default: 3
--countcut the number of reads supporting the barcode for filtering, default: 5
Extract SNVs:
--basequal the base quality for filtering, default: 30
--region the expected region of variants, eg: 100,200, default: 0,0
Step arguments:
--skip_align skip alignment
--skip_barcode skip barcode detection
--skip_snvcov skip snv coverage extraction