This is a simple chat server implemented in Go, which allows clients to connect to a central server and communicate with each other. The server handles client connections, allows users to send messages, request to connect with other clients, and manage chat sessions.
- Clients can connect to the server via TCP.
- Clients can list all currently connected clients.
- Clients can send connection requests to other clients.
- Clients can accept connection requests and start a private chat.
- Messages are transmitted between clients over the server.
To run and demo this application, you'll need:
- Go (version 1.18 or higher)
- Netcat (
) or another terminal-based tool to connect to the server.
Clone the Repository: If you haven’t already, clone the repository containing the code.
git clone <repository-url> cd <repository-directory>
Build the Go Server: Build the Go application.
bash Copy code go build main.go
Run the Server: Start the server by running the compiled Go program.
Create a client and connect to server. nc localhost 8080