you need python3
and pillow
pip3 install tensorflow
pip3 install pillow
clone the model-compiler.
convert .pb
file to k210
python3 model-compiler --pb_path <your pb file> --tensorboard_mode
check your inout tensor name and your output tensor name, check your input dataset image width and height.
python3 model-compiler --pb_path <pb file path> --tensor_output_name <output tensor name> \
--tensor_input_name <output input name> --dataset_input_name <input dataset tensor name> \
--tensor_input_min <min value in input tensor> --tensor_input_max <max value in input tensor> \
--image_w <image width> --image_h <image height> --dataset_pic_path <example image path> \
--output_path <output path for compile result>
show more help
using 8bit mode or 16bit mode
run tensorboard for current .pb