XingYun is a web framework with negroni like middleware and web.go like API.
Difference compare to negroni and web.go
negroni: XingYun have Context that wrap Request and ResponseWriter. The Context have a easy to use API. XingYun have pipe to manage middleware.
web.go: All feature in XingYun is composed by middleware and every middleware can replaced by user. The middleware also can do other pre-request or post-request features.
package main
import (
func main() {
cfg := &xingyun.Config{}
server := xingyun.NewServer(cfg)
logger := server.Logger()
pipe := server.NewPipe("test", xingyun.PipeHandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {
next(w, r)
server.Get("/hello", pipe.Wrap(func(ctx *xingyun.Context) {
logger.Tracef("hello world")
ctx.WriteString("hello world")
err := server.ListenAndServe("")
logger.Errorf("%s", err)
Important object
- Server: Server contains everything and implement router. Server also is a pipe container to manage pipe.
- Pipe: PipeHandler queue. Pipe is also a PipeHandler and http.Handler
- Context: contain request related data and have easy to use API.
Interface in XingYun
ContextHandler: process request with context
type ContextHandler interface { ServeContext(ctx *Context) }
PipeHandler (like negroni.Handler)
Logger: used to print log
Router: set route
context support features below
- Cookie
- Session
- Flash
- Render
- Logger
- Recover
- Static
- ErrorPage
- Context
- URLVarLoader